Any of u ladies experiencing out of control hunger?!

edited March 2011 in Pregnancy symptoms
I know that hunger is a pregnancy symptom but this is ridiculous! It's my 1st pregnancy, so idk what's normal or not but I get this gnawing, intense hunger every hour! It's like a desperate hunger, seems if I don't eat right away, I will literally starve to death! Lol. Is this how ALL pregnancy hunger is?


  • How many weeks are you?
  • I am 5weeks and I feel like that too. But I don't eat because I feel like its my mind playing tricks on me!
  • @YNVTish. I'll be 11 wks on Saturday.
  • When I was 5 to 8 weeks I ate EVERYTHING I can get my hands on. Now I'm 24 weeks and nothing sounds good to eat. Im lucky to get 2 meals in per day.
  • 30 weeks and I swear every hour I'm hungry like I haven't eaten in years.. I try to eat before it gets like that so its small portions and good food...
  • @mommylovesy0u. Girl u have to eat! Lol ur bby needs u to! It's not ur mind playin tricks on u, it's ur lil jelly bean tellin u to "feed me" lol. Don't be scared to eat, remember ur eatin for 2 now! :-)
  • @oc86.. that's normal! Girl eat away! Pretty soon your hunger will change.

    @melissa.. I can't wait to get to 30 weeks, I need my appetite back bad. And yes I hate eating in small portions. I can't even finish a kids meal cheese burger and fries.
  • @YNVTish. I was the complete opposite lol. @ 5-8 wks I had NO appetite but now I wanna eat everything. I hope my appetite stays this way cuz I'm underweight & I need to pack on the pounds!
  • @oc86... this would be the best time to do it and enjoy every bit of it. LOL
  • Lol Aww my jelly bean! Sooo cute! Ok I am done I just did not want to over do it lol but ok no more starving my "jelly bean" (I love that)
  • 5 to 8 I had no appetite, just ate cuz I had to. Now im almost 18 weeks and I get hungry every hour or half hour. I try not to eat a lot, cause im small and don't want to gain too much weight during this pregnancy. But I eat maybe 6 small meals a day. Always hungry:p
  • Im 28 weeks & all I do iz eat. Im fixn sumen 2 eat rite now. Food iz my bestfriend.
  • Yes! Oh man lately I go from like oh im getting hungry to shaking and starving! I'm 20 weeks and it has been all over the place! I just roll with it. And try to keep up with the hunger. I carry snacks with me lol string cheese yogurt carrots. Yum all this is making me hungry now!
  • This pregnancy Ive been starving..
  • im 19 weeks and im always hungry, but my taste buds changed big time. all my favorite food i cant eat anymore or ill feel sick. :(
  • I'm constantly wanting to eat, it's so bad, yesterday I ate two pizzas! And i've just had my dinner and i'm STILL hungry! I'm 38 weeks, so hoping it calms down when she arrives lol.
  • From weeks 5 to 9 I had no appitite and had to force myself to eat something. I was also throwing up all the time. I'm 11 weeks now and omg if I don't eat its not a knawing hunger ill get sick and feel like I'm going to throw up if I don't eat something now and its every stinking hour! Luckily I can get away with small amounts like yogurt or fruit or a bowel of salad. It just sucks because now I'm waking up at night several times with the same feeling and if I don't eat I'm throwing up from morning to evening the following day. I sleep with gronola bars next to my bed. My mil laughed and said "looks like you have an eater" uhg!
  • I'm pretty hungry most of the time but I was like That before I was pregnant. I've always had a fast metabolism so I'm hungry about every 2 hours anyways. Been a little more hungry then normal and am 8w 1d
  • Yea I've always had a fast metabolism too lol. Always hungry so I was always eating, everyone wonderrd how I possibly stayed @ 95 lbs. But the hunger was tolerable then, & now it's not lol. It's honestly my least favorite pregnancy symptom.
  • I've always eaten constantly. 24 weeks now and nothing sounds good. Im hungry and want to eat but I don't want anything in my kitchen. Even at the grocery store nothing sounds good.
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