can u still have symtoms.....

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
If your baby is no longer growing...12 weeks along an no heartbeat was detected so going back today..really nervous about it. but I'm still having all the symtoms an no bleeding just mild cramping. I saw the babys heart beating 2 weeks ago @ the e.r. yesterday was my 1st appt. An needless to say it didn't go the way id hoped. So just playing the waiting game now. But just curious if id still be experiecing pregnancy symptoms or not??


  • I wouldn't of thought so. When i m/c all my symptoms went about a week before. Was it a u/s that there wasntt a heartbeat detected or just a heartbeat sethoscope?
  • Did u have an ultrasound? The OB couldn't find my baby's heartbeat by fetal doppler at my first appointment which was 13 weeks 3 days. During an emergency ultrasound, the baby was fine moving around alot with a heartbeat at 160. It turns out I was only 12 weeks 5 days. It's hard to hear the heartbeat by Doppler sometimes or if the baby is moving alot. My uterus is also retroverted, which makes it difficult. Hope this helps. Will pray for u & your baby.
  • I had what's called a missed miscarriage. I still had all the symptoms at 10 weeks, but the baby died at 6. My uterus continued to grow like everything was normal. However, they first checked for heartbeat, then did the ultrasound. Make sure you get both done. What I had happen is supposedly rare, though, so it could just be doctor error.
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