is it normal at 20 weeks..

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
To feel the baby one day moving around a lot and then the next day only feel it once or twice? My little boys movements are not consistant at all. Which I am on the chubbier side and I heard that its sometimes harder to feel. Any advice? :)


  • Well Im now 25weeks and its like that with my little girl. She moves more than once or twice. But just saying she is alot more active one day then not so much the other.. Don't no why it happens :/ you have to concentrate sometimes as movement is really soft!
  • I felt my baby move now and then at 20 weeks but around 23 24 weeks i felt her move every day mostly only day :) x
  • So its pretty normal? I'm like freaking outtt lol. But thank you girls for the advice.
  • Yes it's normal as long as you feel the baby move everyday even if it's only a few times , my midwife said that you shouldn't worry About movement untill your about 26 , 28 weeks :) x
  • I think so. Ask you doctor or midwife. It scared me as well but they have lazy days too lol :)
  • Yea Its completely normal... I'm now 28 weeks but around that time my baby barely moved... my doctor said that's because the moving you do during the day relaxes him so he sleeps during the day an moves more When your at rest at night...
  • Thank youuu @soontobemomofdj :) I needed the reassurence.
  • No problem:)
  • Dr don't tell you to start doing kick counts until 28 weeks and up thats when the baby is bigger and the movements are more consistent its completely normal for u to feel the baby a lot. One day and very little the next trust me I'm on pregnancy #4 I'm 23 weeks and ill feel the baby a lot one day and very little the next but I kno my lil guy is fine I get ultrasounds every 2 weeks cuz I'm high risk just got one today baby is healthy
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