Sex driving me crazy!!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
For the 1st 8 weeks or so I didn't want to be touched. I am 11 weeks now & all of a sudden while vacationing in Miami AWAY from my bf I got an EXTREME urge of wanting to have sex and the dreams & daydreams didn't help much either. All I want is to be touched, rubbed, kissed & everything in between. At 1st I didn't think I would have sex again til my baby was born in October but so much for that. I want it all day/everyday. Does anyone else feel this way?? I hope I'm not becoming obsessed lol


  • edited March 2011
    Yes, I'm 11w3d and he is never in the mood, sex is so much better now with the extra blood flow and I've always had a higher sex drive than him, so much worse now, the dreams won't stop. I feel obsessed too. Grrr...
  • Yes fun lol
  • lol me too im 22 weeks an i thought it would have gone away by now. I've started really vivid sex dreams and sometimes (TMI-) i even wake up having an orgasm! yikes.
  • I am exactly the same way. He always seems to fall asleep & starts snoring when I'm ready which sucks! the extra hormones only make it worse :(
  • I agree my sex drive ia driving me crazy i just want to be loved kissed make love my husband has not gave me none week in half i got that urge ao dont ferl bad im same boat ughhh
  • Mine husband will get in bed roll over and snore to here i am thinking im get some well hope soon cant stand it
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