You Know You're Pregnant When......



  • When you wake your husband up three times a night to either roll you over or massage your leg bc it cramped up.
  • Your legs feel cramped and you have problems sleeping at night. Also when you think about the future more
  • When you yell @ your husband for bringing you sweet and sour sauce instead of bbq to go along with your nuggets after he was nice enough to go get them for you and instead of saying thank you, you say who eats sweet and sour you idiot!! Lol I can be horrible
  • When before you were prego you could never eat as much as ur bf/hubby & now that you are prego you can eat all of your food & his and ur still hungry :p !!
  • When you eat so much have to unbutton your jeans, eat some more, feel so bloated but still want more, and you still feel starved!!
  • When you dream about watermelon and fried chicken really? Lol
  • When it takes you 4 tries to get up off the couch while your mother laughs at you lol
  • When u loose your breath getting dressed all to find out somethin is backwards.
  • Im so serious lol the other night i dreamed i was eating at a buffet and some lady ate all the chicken. And i went crazy on her ass lol like literally fighting and crying with this woman. I woke up the next.morning and told my brother and he thought i was crazy. Man my baby must love fried chicken and watermelon, its all i dream about. :)
  • Me too! I always dream of southern food made perfect and some lady eatin it lol
  • When you get mad at your 18 month old for eating off your plate.
  • Lmao! Too funny. Us preggys don't play around when it comes to food!
  • When your favorite perfume makes you want to vomit
  • When you make your hubby drive accross town pretty far just to get you what you want to eat!! And he doesn't mind!! =)
  • When people stair u question if ur shoes match
  • When u can't bend over in the shower to shave your legs any more or tie your shoes :-(
  • when you wake up smelling food that's not cooked or even in the house (Cravings Gone Wild!!!)
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  • When you can no longer see your vagina without the help of a mirror. And then cry cause you cant. (So much for shaving!)

    When you have trouble putting on shoes that you cant just slip on

    Having to literally run across the restaurant cause you think you're going to pee your pants, only to sit down and literally have 3 seconds of pee come out. Gag. So frustrating lol.
  • edited March 2011
    I went off on the lady doing my nails cuz she put a nail on crooked... :p
    Made me look spoiled but ive been a perfectionist lately maybe its the hormones
  • When u cuss out ur boyfriend for lossing the car keys and u finally look down and see there in ur hand
  • When crossing your legs feels like you just ran a marathon!
  • when you have to use the bathroom, and then when you start trying to get your pants off its seems like Your about to explode and you can't get them off fast enough. And then you only end up peeing for like 2 seconds. Fml. Haha.
  • When you cry cuz you think everything makes you look bigger then you are.
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  • When u need ya hubby to pull u out of the pregnant eating chair .... or help u roll out of bed
    When ya walk past a shop mirror an think jeez I look like a HIPPO
  • Lol...I have another.....when your husband gives you a kiss & says good night, love you, then you start knows I'm emotional when I'm pregnant because that's the only times he has EVER seen me cry)
  • @QuowaniSemaj0711 I did that the other day and I always think someone is trying to take my food when they get near it!!!
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