Girlfriend is in the hospital

edited March 2011 in Health
My girlfriend was sent home from the hospital yesterday and put on bed rest. They called her back to run some tests and they now want to keep her for a couple of nights. The doctors aren't telling us what's going on. So I can't really tell anyone what's going on with her.


  • I will pray for u guys
  • Surley youd have a right to know whats happening would that not put more strain on your gf they cant do that
  • @preggoointx thank-you
    @elizanne they said the don't want to worry until they know exactly what's going on
  • I hope things turn out to fine :)
  • Fair enough but if it was me id be climbing the walls I hope everything is ok keep strong
  • I'm trying to stay strong for her. But I'm scared that something serious is wrong
  • Put it this way if there was something seriously wrong they wouldnt have sent her home the first time and surley they would tell u worst case scenario to prepare yous but this could be somethin minor that if they didnt take your gf in then it might have got worse so shes in the best place try think no news is good news
  • The doctors are sending her home tomorrow but putting her on bedrest. They still aren't sure what's going on. They are going to continue to run tests in the morning before sending her home
  • Didn't she post something on here earlier that she's leaving pregly and them decided to stay? Hope she's ok.. did they figure merging else out?
  • Then* anything*
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Yeah that was her. She's already emotional as it is & being pregnant makes it even worse.
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