ultrasound & heartbeat

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
How many weeks were you when you had your first ultrasound and heard your baby heartbeat


  • 5wks 3days
  • I was bout 5 weeks 6 days and saw it I went the week before n there was no heart beat but they do say everyone is different so if u dont see one right away doesnt mean there wont be one @-}--
  • Aw okay cause Im 7 weeks and 3 days i had a ultrasound when i was 5 weeks but really couldn't see anything
  • My OB won't do US until 10-11 wks.
  • 6w3d and saw a heartbeat
  • My midwife doesn't see anyone until they have missed at least 2 periods. I had my first appt and ultra sound on tuesday. I was exactly 8 weeks. It was amazing. My husband has changed also he is now really over protective. He tells me every day what not to do or what not to eat. It can be annoying but very sweet.
  • 8w2d thought I was 9w1d. I had very irregular periods so my ovulations were irregular as well. Didn't get to hear the heart beat but I saw it.
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