Bleeding and Cramps. Am I losing the baby?

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
I am 5 weeks, 3 days pregnant and I had dark brown discharge (sorry TMI) last night and this morning. I've had cramps (like your period ones) for a couple of days. At about 11am I began bleeding and have been on and off since. It is red but doesn't have any clots in it. It is just like having a period. I have a slight tenderness in my womb area but no stabbing pains. I went to my doctor this afternoon and he said he doesn't know if I've lost the baby or not. They won't do an ultrasound at the hospital until Monday when I am 6 weeks. Has anyone else experienced this? I've never had a miscarriage so I'm not even sure if I'm having one. Help!


  • My fiance miscarried once and the bleeding was REALLY heavy. She was having clots about the size of golf balls. If the bleeding isn't heavier than normal I wouldn't worry too much. But it's ok to be concerned. Bleeding in the first trimester is pretty normal I hear and there are lots of things that can cause it (including sex). Just remember to be very careful. There's lots of sources online that can give you an idea of foods and medicines to avoid. Hope everything turns out good!
  • I had the same thing at 4,6,9, and13 weeks. I had clots a 13 weeks. Got a u/s at 14 weeks which was saturday gone and everything is ok. So just have hope
  • Thanks. Bubbly, how long did your bleeding and cramps last each time? I've still got bleeding and cramps now. Seems a long time. Did your doctor say what caused the bleeding? Sorry, lots of questions. Just a little bit worried that's all.
  • From a few hours to 9days the most. Sex and one time it just happen i didnt know y and my dr found nothin
  • I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks baby stop growing at 8 weeks i had very light bleeding on and of for the first couple of days then when i had my scan and told me i lost baby the bleeding got really heavy and had a lot of clots very painful cramps as well! Hope you aren't going threw this good luck!
  • I had a spot of brown dc and I panic like mad phoned everyone hospitals n nhs they told me that it could be plantation and bleeding is normal I got a scan the Fri n everything was fine they showed me I had some blood behind the preg sac so if I do pass blood then thats what it would be some one said its a show ? I had an abortion 10th years ago and I was given tablets bring on mc and honestly hunni youd know if it aw that cause youd be in so much pain you can hardly stand and the blood is bright red n thick clots so pls relax take some bed rest n think poo yolk u get the scan @-}--
  • Sorry positive till u get scan x
  • It's not uncommon for women to bleed regularly during pregnancy. My implantation bleeding was like a light, long period so I wasn't aware I was pregnant. So no worries, just relax til Monday. Stressing and freaking out won't help anything, it might just make things worse. So grab some comfort food (if you can eat), put on your favorite show/movie, grab your favorite blanket, and relax.
  • I just had the same thing happen to me and I was scared to death! I'm a type one diabetic so I'm already started out with a high risk pregnancy at it is so when I started bleeding heavily I freaked I went to the er and got some tests done and they said everything was fine just to take it easy get some rest and slow down
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