emotional wreck

jason and i conceived a child in early december and i lost it mid january. at first i was strong and viewed the situation as science and statistics. 80 percent of first pregnancies end in miscarriage...blah blah blah. as time goes on i have become an emotional wreck and cant figure out how to get back to just being me...just being us. i find that we are fighting all the time and i know its not his fault, it stems back to me not being happy with life. i have endometriosis and have always been told that conceiving would be a challenge, so i felt so blessed when i found out i was pregnant just 2 months after going off my birth control. the longer i am off of the pill, the worse the endometriosis will be which will in turn make conception more difficult over time. i started obsessing over pregnancy and my period was a week late in february. i knew this could be due to the miscarriage (if things are a little off for a few months) so for that week of waiting for my period i convinced myself that i was pregnant again so you can imagine the heart break when my period came that morning. i realized i was dealing with a significant loss and holding it all in and it was having a very negative effect on my life. to help deal with my loss i decided that i needed to keep busy so i started grad school finally and a couple weeks ago we adopted a puppy that was living in a terrible situation...things werent getting better still. part of me felt like if i could just hurry up and get pregnant it would fix it...now i am realizing that maybe i need to grieve before we really try again. i was ovulating on march 7th. jason was out of town but we made an attempt for a baby on the 5th and 6th, and again yesterday when he got home from his business trip. we had a talk about my emotional rollercoaster (seriously, i get mad at him for everything!) and im starting to think that maybe i need more time to get myself back together before we try to conceive again. luckily, i have an amazing guy that i can talk to about anything so when i told him last night he was supportive and comforting. he said to me, you're my lady and you are always going to be the mother of my child so if it doesn't happen right now our time will come. and for the first time in 2 months i actually felt like i could breathe. we've decided that after my period (providing we dont have a little cell divider inside me already) i am going to start taking my yaz again to get my hormones and my pelvic pain from the endo under control...then when i get back to being me we will give it another shot. i know this is the right choice for us, but part of me still feels so empty and wants a child so badly...i guess sometimes the right decision is the hard one to make, but nevertheless the right one. it still hurts...i know we arent giving up and i think with time i will feel so much better...

i dunno guys. i just wanted to share my story with some other ladies that are ttc and get some feedback.
@Prayin_4_twins ...you're story really helped me get through a lot of this because you are such a strong woman to have gone through everything you have with work and ttc and not lost hope. thanks for everything! you are an inspiration...never doubt yourself.

I will let you guys know if af comes...until then...baby dust~


  • @blessedwit3angels ... thank you...its been rough but i am so lucky to have jason, he really is a great support system. i just waited too long to let him in on how i was feeling. as soon as i talked to him about it he was thinking of ways to help me get through everything. i've got a very good feeling about the future we have together.
  • @hopeful1313 I'm so happy you were able to get that off your chest!! Firstly congrats on grad school and your new puppy!! ;) I know that when your time comes you and Jason will be amazing parents!!! I love that you have decided to take care of yourself and relationship for right now!! So when the baby does come you'll be all set!!!! Prayers going your way followed by lots of baby dust!!!!!!
  • Whats so difficult about having a m/c is that its so "hush hush" in our society. People dont talk about it much and it seems like they just expect the woman to b over it right away... theres no real support out there. I had a m/c in 2006. I still to this day think about my baby very often. Its so difficult to love someone u never even got to meet... its hard because it leaves an empty feeling. I have founf nothing takes that pain away but when u do get preg again and have a baby the pain will ease up a bit. Hang in there. Prayers sent ur way. We have a good God who always watches out for us and our little ones. Hugs to u.
  • edited March 2011
    @hopeful1313 tears of sadness & joy are down my cheeks.....Thank you for sharing your story! Im so happy that I have finally. found a place I can talk about my ttc & not feeling all alone. My friends are fertile ppl & so is my husbands cousin & everytime I think I'm gonna break.....I remember my pregly friends! I try to stay as positive as possible ;) I am so thankful for getting a new job! I am so blessed to have the chance to talk to others that understand my pain. There are good days and bad, but as long as we all stay positive then positive things will happen. I love my pregly "family" :-D <3 %%- %%- @Mama_Kat @Martin @MrsDelRae
  • I actually deleted the ap right after I miscarried...about a week later I realized how much I needed it so lucky enough its an easy download. I already feel much better...thnx a ton ladies.
  • How are you doin hun? Have a good wknd?
  • I hate to hear that you sound like such a sweet woman and blessed to have someone so caring, my sister had the same situation her Dr made her have shots to throw her into menopause then shots to get her back on her period, a few months later she was pregnant with my niece it was a long a tiring process & she was very emotional but she has 2 little ones now because of it, she has endometriosis as well as cists on her ovaries which get huge. I hope you and Jason get the baby you both hope for, I know its tough because I've seen it happen with my sister, I wish you both the best of luck, ill be praying for you!
  • @prayin_4_twins ...ummm...a busy weekend lol. got a lot accomplished. im obsession a little again...not good. I ovulated the 7th...had killer cramps last night...a little spotting around 2am...and a thick discharge around noon...so me being me...im thinking it would just happen that I probly got pregnant now that we decifed to postpone...either way id be thrilled w a little one but I dont wanna obsess over symptoms when I dont even know whats normal for me...soo...the waiting game begins. hoping I can wait without driving myself nuts!
    how are things for you...sorry about the early af frustration. ya holdin up okay?
  • @hopeful1313 I am doing ok I am suppose to ovulate on the 17th........it would be awesome if I got prego on st pattys day bc its my fav holiday (I love clovers, green, & st pats has been fav since I was lil) so it would be so neat! I'm prayin for ya, keep me posted! I know that with my new job that my stress level is gonna go waaayyyyy down! God is shining down on me already by helping me get my new job! Bc the job I just tranfered from & the supervisor I had I was scared that I would m/c from all the stress they put on me, so w/ this new job & new supervisor its going to be great, I'm gonna be able to lose weight & be happy! Good luck!
  • @prayin_4_twins ... yes! congrats on the new job! I think with a lesser stress load things could really look up for you! st pattys is my favorite too...my birthday is the 16th so its always a big celebration...plus this time its ten days post ov for me so I can start testing if I choose...i might save the money this time and wait for the missed period though. and this years gonna be less of a party bc of the possinility of baby...im trying not to obsess so much but its easier said than done. this has been really hard and it doesnt make it easier that my best friend moved to sc right as everything went downhill...i talk to her about EVERYTHING! its been better having a pregly friend like you. thnx for all thr good wishes...ive been praying fot you too. its a lucky month and youre ovulating on a lucky day...im not even worried about you. you are an insporation to us all. if you need anything...even just to chat lemme know. good luck lovebug!
  • @hopeful1313 ;) My bestie (We refer to each other as Twin lol) moved to Tulsa, OK about 6 months ago (I'm @Lake Ozark, MO) & when she first left I felt completely empty, hubby is here & he's great but its not the same :( I am so thankful to have met friends like you on here, this helps me get through my rough days for sure! %%- Happy early Birthday!!! Mine is April 28th :( I'll be 27. Ditto goes for you, anytime you wanna chat, I'm here! Good. luck to you to sweets! I know easier said than done, but try not to stress yourself to much about testing....if u get the urge though dollar general had $1 test ;) %%-
  • @prayin_4_twins ... dun dun dun...super sore nipples and feelin a bit more full up top...couldnt resist since tomoro is ten days post ov sooo I took a test, just a minute ago, and it looks like a faint positive but could be my sleepy eyes trickin me...sheesh. im gonna try really hard not to test again til af is at least two days late but...im not very patient lol.
  • @hopeful1313 :-D so exciting!!! A faint line is still a line.....I know how hard it is to wait to test, but just stay positive & think that if you wait you will get a more accurate response ;) I buy several $1 test & then a double pack of the expensive ones.......so I took the cheap ones and one of the others. If I use the cheap ones first then I don't feel like I'm wasting a bunch of money lol I'm keeping you in my thoughts & prayers def keep me posted ;) %%- Happy Birthday!!!!!
  • thank you! I will let you know as soon as I do! have a good night!
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