bicornuate uterus or subchorionic hemorrhage anyone?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Apparently, I have a heart-shaped uterus which my Dr. says is abnormal....but ok. Anyone else? I've also had a subchorionic hemorrhage that started at week 11. It was 4.5 cm in length and continues to bleed through week 14. I've had 4 ultrasounds since them and each showed the baby being ok....I wish I could rent an ultrasound machine...they sure put all my worries to rest (for the day). Has anyone else have experience with a subchorionic hemorrhage?


  • I had a small one last year. Was told not to worry that as long as its not half the size of the sack it is ok. Most women have them while pregnant. Mine went down in size and eventually went away.
  • I had a heart-shaped uterus too. I had my first son when I was 20 with no problems at all except he was breech and I had to have a c-section. Though, it caused me to have a miscarriage in July and also one in October....both at 8 weeks. Apparently the baby implanted on the septum (which was long and thick) and they didnt get adequate blood supply. I started to see a fertility doctor and she removed the septum and a month later I found out Im pregnant. Im almost 6 weeks now and hoping all goes well. Yours is probably not as bad as mine was so I wish you all the luck
  • Thank you for your stories and words of encouragement. I'm 32 and this is my first pregnancy....14 weeks along. The sub. Hem. worries me and has really forced me to slow down. The heart uterus adds to my anxiety. Thank you and best wishes with your pregnancies!
  • I have a heart shaped uterus too but no problems so far and I'm 32 weeks! It really depends on the severity of the abnormality, my doctor said the hard part about it is to actually getting pregnant so good luck! %%-
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