18 & wants to move out

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
In April I'll be 18, and I wanna get my own place with my child's father we're financially stable enough to do this. But there's one issue, I don't think my Mom minds as much but I also live with my stepdads niece & her two kids & she said that would be so disrespectful if I did that, which is what I don't understand she was a teen mom & her bd wasn't there so she depended on her family, my situation we have money we both work, so what do I do? *my room is also very small & can't fit a crib


  • I wld do what's best for yu guys and da baby, im in da process in trying to find a place and its not easy but I'm in da same situation I need more room and it elf just be better got us to have our own space, if yu can afford it then I dnt se why not..
  • But like its crazy she said if I leave, I basically used them. I think she just wants my life to be like hers she was a teen mom & had to be fully supported by family, but we honestly do have the money for it. Everyone doubts my child's father saying he won't be around but he's here now. All the things for our baby we bougt ourselves. I don't even like living there & I want my own
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  • Lol @bri2186 couldn't of said it better myself, he works two jobs I only work one due to the fact I'm pregnant. But like does anyone see the "disrespect" part at all, does anyone else?
  • im 18 in april aswell and due in october and me and my boyfriend were thinking the same but i know my mom and dad want me close to home incase anything happens, it's totally up to you and whatever you decide they may be off with you for a short time but once everything has settled down they should come round if they don't want you moving out :) talk to your mom and tell her you want some independence, she should be able to see that your mature enough and ready to leave her side to start that family of your own. they can still support you, just not as much as your mother would have needed.
  • If y'all can afford it then go ahead and do so...you have to do what's best for your baby. You definitely don't have the space that u need so I would say move out and don't worry about what they say about u.
  • Well looks like I just gotta get my own place then I would be much happier :-) but they are gonna curse me out my whole way out the door smh
  • Just b the mature one and tell her how it is and doesn't mean u used her...just need your own adult space. Eventually she will understand...especially if u visit her often after u move out. And invite her over.
  • Oh yeah I'll visit & invite her over but yeah I am an adult & I should be able to own my own place with no one telling me different, it's just my stepdads niece runs our house & she said "I believe your gonna disrespect us & live with Kyle (bd)" o__O
  • My advice is get yur own place, my family doubts our every move but I can't take it to heart cuz it will just bring me down, and if she did it dats fine but if yu dnt need to or want to then yu shldnt have to, do whats best for yu and yur family
  • This is some sound advice, I've been looking at some places recently found one I really liked & I'll be moving in June
  • This is some sound advice, I've been looking at some places recently found one I really liked & I'll be moving in June :-)
  • edited March 2011
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  • Haha, yes she definitely will I've been planning to leave this place when I was 18 since I was in 6th grade, a baby won't stop me
  • @july2ndaustin.. it sounds to me like she's just trying to bring you down. maybe jealous? i don't see how moving out would mean you used your step-dad, or anyone for that matter, it means that your parents did a good job raising you. now you've became an adult, and a soon to be mom (congrats by the way), and you and your boyfriend are ready to begin a life together. i say if you're financally stable, go for it! i'm 19, so, i'm not much older than you, but i moved out of my mom and step-dad's house when i was 16, so i kinda know what the decision is like.
  • It's not disrespectful infact its very mature your showing your parents that you can afford this baby and financially will not be reliying on them. Your niece is not your parent if she gets upset she will get over it. Move out and keep in touch enjoy having your own family home :)
  • I don't see how its disrespectful in anyway. I would do what's best for your little family.:)
  • Shes dumb shell get over it do whats best for your family
  • @july2ndaustin- omg. I want the same thing. I.ll be 18 in September and I wanna leave now!! My moms crazy! She stresses me out so much. As if I already don't have enough stress on me being 26 weeks pregnant and still trying to finish high school. I want out! Tell me how urs goes(:
  • @junemomma1 yeah mine stresses me out too, every little thing I do she always brings up "but your pregnant" its overwhelming, I try to work a lot & she's always hollering "your pregnant" smh if it was up to her I would be tied to a bed
  • Haha my moms the opposite! She wants me to keep working! It was too hard for me tho. Pushing in carts, carrying 30 packs of beer&24 packs of water and whatever else. It was really hard for me and I was starting to be in pain so I went out on maternity leave. And She was mad! Ugh she makes me so mad! Haha so are you gonna move out once ur 18? Cause I think that's what im gonna do too.
  • No, I turn 18 next month I'm waiting until I graduate then I'll be moving
    Honestly I need a lot more space & a lot more peace & a comfortable setting
  • OMG tell her that children are supposed to grow up and leave the nest when they can take care of themselves! I don't understand her thought process, that's absolutely ridiculous!
  • Lmao, that is true but yeah I'm getting.my own place id like privacy & peace, they also don't like my bd so they think I should give my son my last name, but my bd has done me no wrong. So I'd likus to have some good family time without them ruining it
  • @bex - I feel the same way, LOL.

    @July2ndAustin - You can`t please everyone, I tell myself that all the time; and I told everyone in advance in my household that since I will be having a baby soon, my baby will be my main priority.
  • Ikr! Well oh well cause my mind is made up I know what complex and everything, my son will not be around me while I'm uncomfortable
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