20 weeks ultrasound app

edited March 2011 in Second Trimester
So i am 17 weeks now but at my next app ill be 20 weeks. Thats when were supposed to confirm the gender & they told me that this ultrasound will be longer than the others. What should i expect them to do??


  • There r gonna measure tha head,legs,arms,feet heart,mak sure tha heart is pumping rite mak sure tha cord is workn rite an tha placenta um luk at tha spine measure tha baby 4rm head 2 toe if they can an they will try 2 c tha gender.It is lnger tha other ultrasounds bkuz they r gonna luk at pretty much everythang
  • I'm 17 wks and at my next apt I'll be 19 and I'm having the same scan you are.. pretty much what they will do is measure the baby (every part) take multiple pictures of everything for their file. There some other testing they will ask if you want. Its like putting a needle in your stomach and taking some amniotic fluid out to test it for some stuff.. I think its amniocentisis what its called. I personally don't let them do it. It also tests for downs syndrome, but to me there's too much risk.
  • Woah woah woah! They are deff not putting a dang needle in my belly, ha. I read about that test tho on the internet, they dont really know if it could hurt the baby or not, so i will deff pass that test. Last visit at 16 weeks they just did blood tests that checked if there was a high risk for down syndrome. They couldnt find babies heartbeat cause she was hiding behind my placenta so we got ot find out early she was a little girl(:
  • Amnio is a last resort. My ultrasound saw a blip in the heartbeat that they wanted to re check because is showed signs of downs. They will do anothwr ultrasound more in depth, and some genetic testing before an amnio. They won't do it out of the blue.
  • Lol... man! You are lucky!!! I wanna know what I'm havinggg! I have a 5yr old boy so I'll be happy with either
  • Guess its just my dr then.. bc with my last they asked me if I wanted it at the time of my 20wk u/s I said no thanks.
  • Oh ya they will ask..they should ask.. if you have let's say downs in you or spouses background they can detect it with the amnio. They don't do the amnio after 16 weeks (dont quote me on the week). It's something that is done early because it is safer earlier.
  • Pray n hope the baby corroperates my baby had me n u.s for about an hr. 1/2 but I found out it was a girl so not a complete bust of patience
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