Now I reallyyy don't want to tell my dad I'm pregnant..vent.

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I don't get to hear from my dad much, he's in the last year of his prison sentence. He called last night and I broke the news that I was dropping out of school..again. :/ To get my GED and go back to Rapid City where my boyfriends waiting. (I came to my mom's temporarily after some hard times and enrolled in school thinking I could get done sooner than I'm able to) I'm my dad's baby and his only girl. I know he wants what's best. But he HATES my boyfriend, having not even met him. He refuses to listen and understand my point of view. He see's my relationship with my boyfriend the total opposite of what it is. Anyways we're only allowed 15 minute conversations, I told him I was going back to Rapid City to work and establish life. Leaving out baby of course. He immedietly started bitching, for lack of a better word. Completely putting down my boyfriend when he's the one whose been taking care of me. I couldn't help myself from crying, trying to get my defending words in. He then said, 'i thought you were smarter than that, I really did. I have to go.' And for the first time in the four years he's been gone, he cut our 15 minute conversation short.
We argued once before on the phone where I ended up crying and he called me back a half hour later to apologize. He never called me back. It hurts, my dads always been a huge person in my life, reguardless of his mistakes. And knowing he's beyond dissapointed in me, just kills me. I'm dreading having to tell him I'm pregnant when he's been on me to get on birthcontrol for years. Don't worry dad I'm smart! He'll take it even harder because of who the daddy is. Immediately blame my boyfriend and hate him even more if that's possible.
Since day one I've been torn between the guy who makes my life worth living and my family. But a dissapointment from my dad hurts more than all the drama that's gone on otherwise.

I'm afraid he'll never truly accept my child. I'm afraid nobody in my family will. I feel nobody will fully accept my baby on my side of the family because of the father. My mom, her boyfriend, and my little sister are the only ones who know. Nobody talks about it, it's just..oh she got knocked up, I wish her the best of luck. They see my pregnancy as just another of my mistakes.

I'm getting a bit off track. But for a little sunlight, my boyfriends family is super excited. :) all my congratulations have come from them. And they can't wait until their son and brother has his first child, plus it helps they all like me a lot. :)


  • It takes time for everyone to adjust i had to tell my dad while he was in Iraq an he may b mad at first but once he sees his grandson an holds him for the first time all the hate an resent go away at least ur trying to better ur life an keep ur family together
  • Sorry grandbaby lol
  • Omg. I hated telling my dad. He lives 4 hours away from me and we talked a lot before I told him I was pregnant. Once I told him he totally cussed me out, saying I needed to get an abortion, saying he was gonna beat the sh*t outta my boyfriend and all this mean hurtful stuff. So we havnt talked since late november.. it bothers me, yeah. But come to realize that he was never really there when I needed him as I was growing up, so why should I take everything he says to heart? (Him and my mom never got married, hence the he was never really there when I needed him) so also learned that he doesn't need to be a part of this pregnancy/ny sons life if all he's gonna do is say hurtful things all the time. Because me and my sons father are very happy together, and are staying together. So he.ll just have to deal. Im not saying you should just cut ur dad out of ur life, but tell him soon and then just give it time. Maybe not talk to him for a while after to let things sink in ya know? I mean, that's his grandbaby, who woulnt be happy to see that?(:
  • I was in the same situation. My dad is in prison, I'm daddys girl, & he doesn't like my BD. But I told him, because I dnt hide anything frm him. I was about 11weeks when I told him, I'm now 15weeks. Bit he said he knows I can do it. He said I'll be a great mom. How old r u?
  • Well first CONGRATULATIONS!!!! My dad has never been happy when I told him I was pregnant. I was married every time! With this one I couldn't handle what he was going to say so I wrote it in a letter and left it on their kitchen table, which is sad, because I was 37, married and its my 6th baby! But in the end he always comes around and would never give up any of these beautiful babies for anything. Everything will change when he holds that baby the first time!
  • Thanks for all the input.

    I'm 19. I honestly don't think I'll be able to bring it up in a phone conversation. They have a newish thing where you can email inmates. So after my next appointment on the 25th I'm thinking I'll just type it to him. I know I really should voice it to him, but I just..can't. I haven't even said the word, 'pregnant' to the four people that know in my family. (Mom, mom's boyfriend, sister, ex-step-dad, the only four that live here in South Dakota.)

    Last night, my mom told my step-dad she thinks I have a sense of guilt. Which is why I'm holding out from telling my family. She's right, that's exactly the word I could never put my finger on. My brother had our first new member to our family last March. She passed away two months later. It was the hardest thing any of us ever had to go through. It's still extremely hard. My brother, who's done everything right in life, unfairly lost his daughter. I, who has done absolutely nothing ever worth mentioning in life, now has that very special gift of life. I've never been able to put that into words until now. It's hard to write down.

    The guilt and disappointment is too much for me. But this life inside me is so precious, I want nothing more than to give it all I have.

    This kind of diverged off of just telling my father. The issue is much deeper. I was just unable to actually type that out until now.
  • @ammasmama. Thank you. (: I know everyone will come around eventually. Whether it be days, weeks, or months. They're my family and they've always been there for me reguardless. This initial news breaking is the hard part. Can't really walk around with a big 'ol belly a few months from now pretending nothing's up. I'm in a fragile state right now, but I know it isn't going to get any easier the further along I am. I'm just..scared.
  • None of my family likes my bf/bd and I was afraid theyd disown me and have nothing to do with the naby, but they r all very excited now. Maybe it wont b as bad as u think. I thought my brother would never talk to me again but he surprised me and said he would b there no matter what..
  • I totally understand stand! !! I'm 31weeks and just told my kids three weeks ago. They're 17, 14 & 10 so this was unplanned. I haven't told my parents but they know. My dad said something to my 17 yr old about me being knocked up, that really hurts!!!! I'm an only child and have always been daddy's girl. They don't like the situation I'm in, I'm 37 I wish they would face that. My bf and myself love each other, we've been together three yrs and known each other for 18 yrs. Be strong and you'll be fine. I'm glad your bf and family are happy.
  • I totally understand. Like I said this is my 6th, but we weren't planning it. I was on the pill. We were happy and excited, and then that all turned around when I thought of telling people. So I asked him not to tell anyone right away cause I didn't think I could take it. And I was right. When we told people they were so negative like this is the worst thing we could have ever done. I actually got to thinking that maybe it was a mistake and that maybe I shouldn't have another one. Then I decided screw them, this is a gift from God, every baby is! But this one had less than a 1% chance of ever being here due to medical conditions I have. Be happy with what you have and know that all things are possible! After being diagnosed infertile without reason when I was 18, I never thought I would have 6 beautiful children!!! Hang in there and if you ever need to talk email me at
  • @wowbigsurprise.... sounds like we have a lot in common. I just turned 37, and am also 31 weeks pregnant, and I have a 17,14, and 11 year a 2 and 1 year old!
  • I'm sorry you're going through that. I bet your dad Is just worried & probably feels a little guilty that he hasn't been there for you. He'll probably be upset, but he'll come around, all of your family will. How far along are you? I think you should tell him sooner rather than later & start getting your plan of action going. Finish school, get a job etc. & show them that while this may not be the ideal time for you to have a baby you're going to do your best to provide & make a great life for the three of you. Once they see that you have a plan & are doing all you can they'll see it as more than "just another mistake" you made. Good luck!
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