filth=sickness!!!! so stressed, idk what to do :'(

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I live in a pretty large house with many grandmother, my step grandmother, my aunt....her three kids....and two girls that she works with plus me and my boyfriend. But the thing is is that the house is always destroyed because my aunt is EXTREMELY lazy and therefore her kids are the same grandmother is the only one who cleans (besides my occasionl help & my BD) and she kind of does it half ass but I know its just because she is extremely worn out. :( the worst part about it is that they literally have about 12-13 dogs...they poo& pee in my Grandmas room and they all smell like straight death. She uses the same towels we use to bath for the dogs and even after washing them it still smells like a face full of dog piss wiping your face out of the shower (yuck!) Besides complaining about the filth I have to live in my main concern that is really stressing me out and upsetting me is the fact that THEY ALL ARE ALWAYS SICK! I told BD this morning, I wonder if its from the filth of this house? And now I feel like I am catching a cold that they all have been circulating around the house. It makes me so upset :'( I cannot be constantly living in these conditions while prego, let alone bring my newborn baby just breaks my heart &makes me cry...I don't know what to do...

-sick & tired


  • Omg.. Im kinda n the same boat.... Xcept I dnl live witt that many ppl .. But we do have an extremly small house && mii mom is the laziest woman ever!!!!! She juss sits on the couchh n watches cookingg shows allllllll dayy !!!! Its disgusting!!! The kitchen is dirty..bathroom....yuckk.. Its me,mi bd, sisterr, n dad... Hes messy too.. Mii momsleeps on the damnn couch.cuzz she can't get into her dirty room.. Its.sooooo nasty... N mi mom smokes in too!!! Witt me preggo!! Drives me nuts!!! Me n mii sis r the only clean ones with clean rooms... N mii dad wants us to clean mii moms room a grown ass womans where u can't even open the door!! Afhhh... I wann move out soooooooo bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im prayinn for a miracle!! Where u live @?
  • I live in california...and im.sorry to hear tour in the same boat as me :(( about five people smoke here too but luickly they smoke outside....even everything in the fridge is expired and when one of them sees me checking dates on things before I eat it they try to act like I am over reacting! ARE YOU DAMN SERIOUS!!! I am not eating two year old mayo with my baby growing inside me, ugh!! I need to get out of here also!!! Let's room together! Lol jk ;)
  • Lol I was gonn sayyy that!! Haha .. Where in calii?? I'm here to.. :) oceanside! Aghh suxx n soo stupiddd.. I check datess too n mii mom gets madd.. Juss cuzz she's a damnn horder!!! Chunky ass milk n the dirty fridge!!! Grrrr..
  • I was in the same situation me and my bd lived with his brother his girl and there 2 kids its not a lot of people but man were they dirty first off they didn't work my bd worked I stayed home I would clean up 2 hours later the house would be a mess the kitchen was just disgusting we had two bathrooms so me my bd and the kids would share one bathroom and his brother and girl shared the other the boys were 3 and 8 yrs old everytime I would buy shampoo or bodywash the 8yearold would spill it all out he would still crap on him self take a shower wet the whole floor in the batroom leave the crapped under wear all wet along with all his clothes on the floor and the next day it would smell like mildew and shit I would tell there mom and she would say oohh there just being kids he's 8 wtf the three yr old wouldn't do anything then there was my bd deorderant all over the bathroom mirrors and glue on the toilet seat....I couldn't take that shit no more so me and my bd decided to go back home so I live with my parents and he lives with his...@Crazybeautifulx0 where in cali do you stay at?
  • In victorville. Do you guys think the filth contributes to them always being sick? If one doesn't have a cold the other has the flu and so forth...I am so sad about this :'(
  • I think it does cause of the bacteria in the air bacteria usually causes sore or strep throats and mucus...
  • Yes!!!! Mayb invest in a air humidifier for u guys room?? I have one .. Aghgg we needa get outttt!!
  • Ugh...I don't know what to do!!!! :( I can always go back to my moms house in Temecula but ugh...I hate to throw all my buisness out there but since im so upset here it BD is on parole & he has to stay in the same place he was arrested in, so that's why I stay where im at so we can have our livvs together...if I go back to my moms then he will stay in the high desert which is almost two hours away and all I will do is worry about him :( its not even because he's been doing bad or stuff he shouldn't be doing its just because I can't stand his family, and if im not around then he will most likely occupy his time with them because well...that's his family. The reason I can't stand them and it worries me for him to be with his own damn family is because they constantly try to pursue him with things that are illegal or could get him sent back to his families minds they see it as really they are trying to help him but THERE NOT!!! Egging him on to do something that will get him arrested is the WORST thing they could do...I would rather us be poor and so on then him in jail again missing out on his first babies birth or first year of life! :'(
  • Wow ya u dnt want that to happen... Nd its too expensive to move out huh??? Aghh sucks.. Juss hang in there beautiful !!!!
  • That's a tough situation to be in especially now that your pregnant how far along are you? You can be gettin colds or sick like that cause you can't take any medecine at least that's what my doctor told me I had a very bad cold a couple of weeks ago and OMG it was the worst thing ever it took for ever to go away...along with my cold I had a sore throat and an ear just need to do what you feel is best for you and your baby..cuz its not just about you anyomore...
  • Thanks girls! And I know! :( even if my doc said something was ok and prescribed it I wouldn't take it! And yeah we have absolutely no income right now! My BD has been looking for work everyday ...I am really proud of him, he has really been putting in effort...but nothing yet.
  • Btw I am 14 weeks.
  • Aww I feel u.. I'm trying to look for a jobb to @ 18w so I can move out!!!! R u having a mixxed bby?? Juss wonderinn :)
  • Mee too yayy :) do u have a fb??
  • Awesome! !! What races?? Yes but I would prefer not to put that on blast on here lol do you know a way to message or something on here haha
  • Wow. @CrazyBeautifulx0 you sound like my twin right now. My bf and I are staying with his mother until we can find jobs which feels hopeless right now. Her house is pretty large also, and he has 3 younger brothers who live disgustingly. The house could be beautiful and 5 minutes after they get home it looks like a tornado has gone through the place. Im scared to cook or eat anything out of the fridge cuz its so gross. Sometimes I cry cuz I just want to move out so bad. Im 20 weeks and pray things start going better soon and we can find our own place before the baby comes. Oh and were also having a mixed baby too :)
  • Mixxedd babies ruleeee !!! Lol.mines black n white :) simple! Lol uhmm ya u can juss add me via email lemme know if it works ! :)
  • Wow sounds horrible but you have to make baby first and if that means leavin bd to stand on his own two feet while u go back home with ur mom then u just gotta do what u gotta and hope having this baby coming is enough for him to make sure he don't let his family get him locked up good luck!!!
  • edited March 2011
    @lovechild you are very right, its just so much easier said then done for me to leave him :'( besides the fact that I will stress about his ignorant family, it makes me so upset thinking of leaving him when we so badly just wanted to have eachother the whole year he was locked up and now we still wont be together. :'( not arguing your point (you are very right) I am just expressing how much this all makes me hurt right now, when all my hunny wants to do is right and take care of me and his baby ( he is so excited about our first baby) but everything has been so difficult and seems to not move forward in a better direction :'(
  • @Heather58824 im sorry you are in this similar position! I don't wish this upon noone!!! I cry too, we can cry together gets so overwhelming and then you feel so helpless :( but on the bright side what races is your baby!!? :) :)
  • @ CrazyBeautifulx0
    Do you or bd have a friend you can stay w/a cleaner environment? Living there can definitely can be a factor of getting sick..idk how you can handle it now! And not healthy for you or the bby if it stays like that ...i personal think.
  • Hes black and white :)
  • Yes i do understand how hard it could be for u to be away from him but you are strong and i know you will do what's best for you and this baby good luck sweety
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