filth=sickness!!!! so stressed, idk what to do :'(
I live in a pretty large house with many grandmother, my step grandmother, my aunt....her three kids....and two girls that she works with plus me and my boyfriend. But the thing is is that the house is always destroyed because my aunt is EXTREMELY lazy and therefore her kids are the same grandmother is the only one who cleans (besides my occasionl help & my BD) and she kind of does it half ass but I know its just because she is extremely worn out. the worst part about it is that they literally have about 12-13 dogs...they poo& pee in my Grandmas room and they all smell like straight death. She uses the same towels we use to bath for the dogs and even after washing them it still smells like a face full of dog piss wiping your face out of the shower (yuck!) Besides complaining about the filth I have to live in my main concern that is really stressing me out and upsetting me is the fact that THEY ALL ARE ALWAYS SICK! I told BD this morning, I wonder if its from the filth of this house? And now I feel like I am catching a cold that they all have been circulating around the house. It makes me so upset I cannot be constantly living in these conditions while prego, let alone bring my newborn baby just breaks my heart &makes me cry...I don't know what to do...
-sick & tired
-sick & tired
Do you or bd have a friend you can stay w/a cleaner environment? Living there can definitely can be a factor of getting sick..idk how you can handle it now! And not healthy for you or the bby if it stays like that ...i personal think.