Depressed from child's father

Idk what to do! I have no one to talk to abt how disfunctional my relationship is with my unborn child's father... we use to have a great relationship but now we can't talk without arguing. I need advice....


  • Was this pregnancy a surprise?
  • Take a deep breath....... what are the arguments about? Is he upset about the news of a baby coming?
  • I am married and have the same problem that consist of a lot of crying and praying. I'm getting to the point where my focus is on my unborn baby and myself. I had my first child thru an emergency c section because I endured so much stress I'm not going to allow that to happen again. I pray w/o cease, I read daily devotion, and I also read a book that helps me deal with my emotional issues. My energy goes into me not others being inconsiderate.
  • I do believe that he is still excited but there is no intimacy at all.. he gets upset if I don't call him or if he doesnt see my car in my yard...we are not even together!....
  • Mommyuv3 what book may I ask? And ive also had my first really bad fight with my husband and it sucks...they can be so insensitive when u dont need it the most
  • @Bellareust its called The 6 Steps To Emotional Freedom and I rear this devotional called Journey by LifeWay its a big help but I sometimes still have my moments. My husband is a handful to when he gets mad at me I let him stay mad because I have a sense of peace. I hope you find a sense of peace.
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  • Thanks! My husband is a dear sweet man but I think my hormones bring the devil out of him! Lol but we are both learning to walk away from arguements for mine and babies sake. Thank u so much.
  • Oh I know what yo mean by the fighting. Im so tired of crying and I can't make him realize that we can't fight everyday. Don't get me wrong he's really happy about the baby does stuff for me but we about everytthing. Its like he doesn't care when I get upset and just makes it worst. Ugh im so tired of this.
  • @babymaxisontheway I have the exact story! We are both excited but I'm on blood pressure pills bc of the stress of cryn and over analyzing our future. I want it to work but he sometimes seem to not even be meeting me half way. I tried explaining to him that I wanted to start talking abt our problems instead of arguing and that turned into a talking argument instead of a yelling match...fed up!
  • I am also dealing with the same thing. My husband is so insensitive to my feelings. I was upset bcuz I had gained 9 lbs in 4 weeks and he told me I was stupid. Everything I say he turns into an argument. What makes it harder is that we have a combined family. He has two children and I have two children. He treats his children different then he treats mine which makes us argue alot. So I agree with mommyuv3. Its time to focus on me and this baby growing inside me instead of putting all my energy into him and walking on egg shells. Thank u mommyuv3 for the book recommendation.
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