scared and confused

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I am in the middle of a divorce, my ex husband cannot have kids, we tried for so long and saw so many doctors. I recently started seeing my bestfriend and well surprise im pregnant and its only been a month that we have been having how is my dr telling,me I am 5 and a half weeks along???? I don't understand that if its only been a month that I've been sexually active with my bestfriend.....can anyone explain I was nervous about asking my dr and haven't had an ultrasound yet


  • The doctors tend to work it out just from dates that match your period etc, they can't be certain until your scan, it may appear that baby is a lot younger than they first anticipated, my friend was changed by 3 and a half weeks because of the scan, if not you might have to double check those dates! Maybe a miracle on your ex's behalf?? Also the doctor is there for a reason hound him with any question you have! X
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  • edited January 2011
    @joy they count starting the First day of your last period. So I'm 5.5 weeks prego but I only had sex on Jan 2. Make a little more sense?
  • First day of your last period. So I'm 5.5 weeks prego but I only had sex on Jan 2. Does that help at all?
  • Wooops! Hehe dang smart phones!!
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  • @mama_kat martin needs to come up with a delete button so I can delete my silly mistakes, or foot in mouth comments!! Lol
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