Suffering from Cramps!

edited March 2011 in First time moms
Heavy Cramps here:(


  • I noticed you're new here to Pregly. I see you've posted 4 discussions, but all your discussions say are 'all', so I am not sure what you mean. I am a little confused here :) thanks!
  • edited March 2011
    Hello MrsDelRae, i started using pregly ticker app since i was 2weeks pregnant yet i havent made an acct that time :) Since i have it now, i'm writing my concerns and experiences. These few weeks i got bad cramps and it's getting worse. Some tips to ease the pain please?
  • Did you notice all your discussions are simply 'all'? You have titles, but when they are opened it just says 'all', so maybe that's why nobody has answered since it doesn't say anything. Anyway, how far along are you?
  • oh thanks for that, i edited it. Im 28weeks pregnant now, im feelin fine during 1st and 2nd trimester but when the 3rd trimester started i got alot of cramps especially at the middle of my sleep. dont know how to ease the pain. =(
  • In your legs? Or stomach?
  • Often in my legs, so when i wake up in the morning i feel like my legs are damaged. sad..
  • Yeah same thing here. Im close to 28 weeks as well. I can handle the ones in my calves but the ones in my shins are terrible...i cant stand them! I have asked around and i heard it could be your not drinking enough water...also i heard to eat more bananas for potassium and my doctor said if your not doing enough or if your doing TOO much during the day, it can cause them. In the book "What to expect when expecting" they show a some steps on what you could do before bed to prevent them. Even though i have taken these steps, i still get them sometimes...:( also sit back and elevate your legs sometimes.
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  • Cramps in legs? Eat some bananas, drink lots of water or a gatorade. And when you get a cramp stretch out your legs but point your toes towards your head.
  • Whenever i have cramps i cant even move, i feel like my lower body is being paralized. When im having it, Im covering my mouth coz i dont want to wake my husband up at late midnight just because of this annoying cramps. i wish it will fade soon. Thanks guys, ill try these things from now.
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