my due date ladies plz read

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Okay so from my ultrasound that was given Monday, it showed I was 7weeks exactly... giving me a due date of oct 31. Problem is, my last period was jan 11, meaning if you calculate my due date from then, I would be due oct 18. So which one do I go by ? Its confusing !


  • The Dr's usually go by the measurement. With my first my original due date was November 8 then it changed to the 18th, which I swore wasn't right. Do you know when you ovulated?
  • Depends. Usually your due date is the first day of your last period. If u know that then go from there. Also don't think of the actual date think due week. Really a pregnancy is anywhere from 37 to 42 weeks.7 weeks is early too. Hopefully they do another ultrasound and I can ask the time line again
  • I would go by the earlier one for now. When baby is bigger, they can judge a little more accurately.
  • Ultrasound, so oct 31. Mine with my period was august 28.. but ultrasound showed august21st.... its all on how big the baby is and how far along it measures
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  • @NatalieL I would believe I started ovulated jan25... which is logical for the 18 th being my due date but ultrasound says I'm not that far.
    @Shmegs how is 7 weeks too early ? I've heard the heartbeat and everything at exactly 7 weeks gestation.
  • That's wierd cuz I'm 7 weeks and my due date is November 3rd
  • @HomeBirthAdvocate that is smart ! I just wish I could knowwhich one to rely on instead of just waiting it out. my situation is tricky
  • @tanguiano that's because I'm 7w4d as of today... I'm only due four days before you, oct 31
  • Duh! That makes sense LOL!
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  • Go by the ultrasound. Early ultrasounds before 10 weeks are extremely accurate! They are only off by 1 or 2 days. Later in pregnancy they can be off as much as 3 weeks, but not in early pregnancy. Your doctor will be going by the ultrasound due date, so that's what you should go by too hun :)
  • @tanguiano lol yea silly !
    @KayleeAndAmaiyasmommy thanks a lot ! So I guess ill stick with my halloween due date !
    Thanks ladies you have been a great help =)
  • You're welcome hun :)
  • My last period was January 11. & my estimated due date is October 18. So, it was exactly right. I'm nine weeks almost four days. That's so weird. Someone else posted the same thing & they are due the 31 instead of the 18.
  • see how confusing it was ? thats crazy but I guess I'm going by the ultrasound due date
  • My doc said same thing--the early ultrasounds are extremely accurate. They changed my due date to suit my first ultrasound too. So far, everything has been spot on growth/development-wise w/ new due date (27 weeks along). That is really neat you're due on Halloween! Congrats!
  • I know thanks hun ! I wish I could start showing already
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  • ok so if it says I'm 7 weeks and some days by ultrasound but its clearly not counting from my last period, is the baby still 5 weeks and I'm in my 7 week of pregnancy ?
  • I am 7 w today last menst.1/28 &ovulated.2/11 due date 11/4
  • See yours makes sense... my last menst was 1/11 nd I would think I ovulated between 1/24 - 1/30 ... but my due date is oct 31... which would have made me conceive 2/07 and its not adding up... I woulda believed my due date would be oct 18 seeing as though my last menst was 1/11
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