Very stressed out about my job & dont know what to do? Help plz

edited March 2011 in Health

Hey pregly, I usually read and not post bt this time I need to get some sound advice. So here it goes.....

I work at a bank as a teller and really love my job. But it seems the bigger I get the more problems they have with me. I'm almost always #1 teller in my center and I'm very accurate with my work meaning I always balance and don't make any mistakes. But this month i made 2 minor errors. Now they are saying things like I need to be watched bcause they don't know what's been going on with me. And getting attitudes with me bout it. But when another teller makes the same mistakes over and over its nothing. Sometimes they make major errors that are far from repairable bt nothing.

I want to leave cause I know I'm getting slower and slower but still very accurate. I feel like my head gets bit off for any little thing. I know one of my superiors straight out don't like me. I cry all the time and its taking a toll on me. Help plz. Any honest oppinion is appreciated.

P.s. I'm NEVER EVER emotional about anything. I've never been emotional besides this so I know its not hormones.


  • I work in healthcare and I keep forgetting to do little things all the time. I don't get in trouble cuz there is always someone behind me fixing my mistake but its frusterating knowing ur making stupid errors. I wouldn't quit, how far a long are you? Maybe you could cut your hours down? Or take an extra break to just regain your thoughts. Hope this helps!
  • I called in a few days ago for a family emergency and got fired for no call no show I'm a wk away from my due date. I'm really upset and scared bc I dupport myself. I qualify for unemployment but I feel so cheated.
  • I know how you feel. I work at a daycare and I'm almost 100% sure my boss straight doesn't like me. She treats me like crap (makes me do all the cleanig, expecally with bleach. And makes me close everyday.) And she's been cutting my hours and calling me out alot. And putting me in the room that stresses me out the most, and she knows it! And I dread going to work. I cry about it pretty much everyday. my mom and fiance always tell me to stick it out cuz I'm 31 weeks, but they have no idea how horable it is. the funniest part, is the 2 other girls who were preggo 3 months ago always got out of work by 3 and never had to clean or do anything, id always be stuck doing it. and I was pregnant then also! I can't stand it. and I can't do anything about it..
  • && because I have a drs appointment on Tuesday shbe put me on the scedual for 7-9... really, 2 hours!! my app. is at 915!! we close at 630...
  • @newmomma15.... I'll try that maybe not being around them as much will miminize the stress. bf tells me to just quit bcuz I would qualify for unemployment too bt I would rather work. It's the stress that's to much. I would feel like I took the easy way out if I just leave ya kno.
  • @devins_mommy....I feel the same way. I hate crying over a job cause that's just wat it is...a job. It makes me feel so immature. Bt at the same time I'm miserable. I dread going in but its really good money and we need it. It just sucks knowing I'm dependent of this job and have to put up wit so much crap when I'm the best person they have.
  • I'm 23 weeks by the way with a boy :)
  • I would go talk to your general manager, explain you're pregnant, you've always been a star employee, that you're sorry these things happened but you feel they're being very harsh on you. Hang in there! Best wishes!
  • @MrsDelRae....thanks. I think ill talk to her tomorrow and see where it goes from there.
  • You're very welcome. Let me know how it goes, I have you in my thoughts.
  • I really appreciated everyone's advice. I feel like I got some goof advice on here and will def use them. Thanks pregly and goodnight.
  • If you quit your job you will not be able to collect unemployment. You have to be laid off or fired to qualify. The government will get the funding for your unemployment from tour previous employer, so you can't quit.
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