love my husband but....

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
I don't get morning sickness, I get sick around 7 pm and it lasts until three or four in he morning. Lovely. Anyway, I was laying on the couch trying to keep from vomiting, and I asked him to get me some ginger ale. He said, "I'm tired, I had to get up early to get your hormones, get it yourself." He works nights, he got home around 6 am and got up around 4. I however, am up all frigging night, leave for work at 7:45, don't get home until 6:15, and need to take progesterone when I get home so I don't miscarry, but its what makes me feel so sick all night long. SUCK IT UP CUPCAKE, its gonna be like this for quite some time. Gggggggrrrrrrrrrr.


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