DR's appt today!!

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
Hey ladies..some of you might of read some of my previous posts where I spoke about my past history not being able to get pregnant and about some "discomforts" i was having in what felt like my left ovary. Well I just wanted to give you all an update being that I went to the doctor today...well they took 8 tubes of blood from me which I thought would be worse then it was and the doctor checked my cervix he said everything felt normal and felt like I was about 8 weeks and I am 7 weeks and 3 days. I thought I would be able to hear or see the heartbeat but doc said the 25th is when we'll hear it, once my blood work comes back. They also gave me a PBD shot and I have to go back Saturday so they can check it. Other then that everything is fine..morning sickness slowed down a little but is still active..doc said its actually a great sign that I'm getting sick which means that my hormones are changing and my body is adjusting to the new addition. He also said that in some cases when women come in and say their feeling great their are some complications and sometimes mc's. Obviously everyone is different but overall doc put me at ease today and I feel confident my baby is doing just fine. He also said the "discomfort" I'm having on my side can just be organs moving, ligaments stretching, also said some women say they feel what might feel like period cramps while pregnant, honestly we can't know til we do the sonogram for sure whats going on, but I'm praying for the best. Just wanted to share the news, sorry for the long post, good luck to all the mommys and mommys-to-be out there!! God bless you guys...btw I'm 23 and this is my 1st pregnancy ever.


  • So the period cramps are pretty normal? Cuz I'm 7 weeks and still feeling cramps often, not too bad, but they kinda worry me. I have my 1st appt Monday!!
  • hey I just commented on your post lol..yea ma its normal its my first pregnancy too and I'm super paranoid also don't worry everythings gonna be ok..you'll feel way better once u go to the doc..i kno I did and I didn't even get to see or hear the baby...hope everything turns out ok..let me kno how it goes..u got a friend here
  • I know I saw, too funny! Thanks so much girl that does kinda put me at ease! And hey same to u, us preggers gotta stick together <3
  • @tanguiano don't start looking stuff up cuz that's where I went wrong and started looking at all the bad things that can happen. The chances of a mc are 0-15% so when u think about it the chances you're baby will be fine are 85-100% so don't stress yourself..enjoy your pregnancy!!
  • Haha too late! But yes u are soo right!!
  • lol I was driving baby daddy crazy wit that scary talk lol..but I calmed down!!
  • Hahaa @ladicapo my bf got so scared as well. Uu should seeeee him counting down the days till we have our first appointment on tuesday! (: i'm 11 weeks
  • lol were blessed to have some good guys..bd came with me to the doctor today for 3 hours so I had to give him props (&& go to the pizzeria for cheese steaks after) lmaooo!!! I'm countin down til next friday..can't wait to hear the heart beat!!!! can't wait til I'm 11 weeks @honestlyhopeful do you get morning sickness??
  • my morning sickness has died out. but I never threw up. Cuz thats just me but I got horribly nauseous... That sucked a lot! Sometimes when I just smell something! But like I said its still there but its going away little by little (:
  • @HonestlyHopeful yea i've noticed mine slowly getting better, not that its great right now lol but def better then where i was at about a week ago!!
  • Pbd shot? What is that
  • @cristinalynn its kind like a TB test..they put the needle under your skin and I actually went yesterday to show the doc my arm the reaction to the shot, which was negative. He says if it was positive it'd be stickin out like a sore thumb..lol
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