well I'm 6wks...& for the past 2days my throat & ear has been hurting & I've been running a fever...yesterday my mucus was clear so went to urgent care...they didn't do anything! So last night temp got 102 went to er they did an u/s my seed ok...happy about that! They gave me fluids said looks like a virus no strep no flu...also no meds..mucus was still this morning my temp back to 100 & my mucus is green with blood! I knw that's not normal! I jus feel like im wasting my time goin to these places when obvsly something wrong..if my throat & ear has been hurting & I'm running a fever SOMETHING is WRONG! y cnt they test me for something else?? I called the nurse on call & she said get some rest & drink oj..if it gets worst go back to the ER ...obvsly it has already gotten worst! I dnt wanna miss wrk if the ER won't do anything....wat would u do?