Crazy Dreams!!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I keep having dreams about the gender of my baby! Its not a normal one gender baby dream, I have had 2 dreams and both of them I have seen boy parts but then they say its a girl and the parts change!! Anyone having wierd dreams like this??


  • I did I dreamed I was having a boy and found out it was a boy and then when it got close to my due date I dreamed I was having a girl....but it was still a boy lol pregnancy just makes u dream some of the weirdest things....what do up want it to b?
  • I know the dreams you have when you are pregnancy are crazy lol!!! I would like to have a girl to have one of each but it really doesn't matter in the long run just as long as he or she is healthy, but when I have these dreams I am like what the heck lol! With my son it was only either I had a girl or boy in them, but not in the same dream! :O
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