
edited March 2011 in November 2011
Has anyone else had any spotting? I am 6w0d and every now and then I have spotting. The spotting is light - only when I wipe. Its more like a reddish/brownish colored discharge. Each time its never lasted more than a day. The first time it happened I was 4w2d my doctor examined me and saw no blodd. He drew my labs that day and w days later (hcg more than doubled). I also had an ultrasound at 5w0d and they saw what they believe is the gestational sac (still too early to see anything) in my uterus. Dr chalked up the first spotting to implantation bleeding, but I've had some spotting twice since then.
I've had a miscarriage and an ectopic (resulting in me losing my tube) so I'm freaking out. I have another ultrasound tomorrow.
Has anyone had anything similar?


  • I too am having similar symptoms ...I am 6 weeks today had ultrasound last week couldn't see anything! I've had two miscarriages and one eptopic no babies yet:( I am just trying to stay positive bc its scary to me especially with off and on cramps on top of it. Praying all goes well for u too!!!
  • I don't spot when I'm pregnant but lots of women who do go on to have healthy pregnancies and babies. Since it's so light, only when you wipe, it doesn't sound like anything too serious. Since it's so dark (reddish/brownish), it sounds like it's old blood and nothing fresh. I understand your concern though and hope all goes well tomorrow.
  • I'm almost 7wks. And i havebeen spotting 5wks. My doc said as long its not heavy bleed sever cramps and a fever you should be fine. Period like cramps are ok.
  • I spotted from about the 5th week to the 7th off and on. I didnt cramp while I was spotting though. I'll be 13 weeks tomorrow and havent spotted since. I know its nerve wrecking, but stay positive! Plenty of women spot and go on to have healthy babies.
  • I spotted so much in Feb that I actually thought it was my period, and didn't find out I was pregnant until last week (I'm 8wks 3d). I've been spotting like your describing the last two weeks and my dr said my cervix is irritated, but everything is fine with the pregnancy. Its so stressful though!
  • Did anyone have period like cramp when they were spotting.
  • Im spotting and it is nerve racking. Im 6 weeks...
  • I spotted with my 2nd child. Only when I wiped though. He's a healthy 4.5 year old now :-)
  • Thanks everyone. I had an u/s and dr appt yesterday. U/s was great - got see and hear the heartbeat. Heart rate was 106. The dr told me not to worry about the spotting unless it was red and flowing. He also said not to worry about cramping unless it was severe/period cramping.
  • Ya so according to my lmp I am 5w and 4 days...I started to have some dark spotting like u describe with some cramping so we did an US, but they didn't see anything at all! So then I got labs done hcg is up but progesterone is low! Going back for hcg tomorrow..hopefully it doubled otherwise there is no November baby for me :(
  • I went to ER today ended in another sad ectopic:( my God the physical and emotional pain is too much. I can't believe this happened again. Trying the shot more testing friday to see if it worked or if surgery is necessary! Please God no more surgery!
  • edited March 2011
    I'm spotting again! It's the same - tinted discharge. I know some women have this their whole pregnancy, but it's the same thing I get before I start my period. My Dr said not to worry unless it was bright red, but it's still frustrating. I've had a MC and an ectopic. It took 2 years of ttc before this pregnancy, and it scares me. I just keep praying for a healthy baby.
  • This time it seems to have more of a reddish tint.
  • I was 5 wks 3 d when I spotted and it stopped the next day very light red then all was brown.. I had an u.s. and they saw the sac and yolk but no baby yet.. doc said dont worry and i'll know ur m.c. if u fill a pad every hour and bright red. I go back weds for another u.s. also for me they found another sac but said it could be three things .. blood clot. Fibroid. Or a twin that died... so if its a fibroid.. im nervous b.c. they can cause m.c. due to bleeding and sometimes they prevent the egg from attaching to the uturine wall.. if I have a m.c. then they know its why I had one a yr ago and ill need surgery ... but ill pray for you. Hang in there :)
  • Thanks @novmthumper11 I don't have another appt until the 12th. I just can't wait to get to the 2nd trimester - I will feel so much better. 5 weeks isn't a long time but it feels like an eternity.
  • Oh, this is my 3rd time spotting since I found out I was pregnant.
  • So your about 7 wks then right? Well I understand and if I spott anymore ill freak too but I always tell myself that if worst does happen it is out of our hands.. not sure what your beliefs are but God does everything for a reason and I let him take over.. in the end what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Now its a waiting game and yes six more wks feels like forever to me too.. let's keep one another updated.
  • Im trying to decide if I want to call Dr. It was thicker and darker and there was more than I've ever had, but it wasn't bright blood. I actually drug my mom to the bathroom (we work together) for her opinion and naturally there was nothing. I've been to the bathroom since and there was also nothing. I keep getting these cramps that feel like I need to go to the bathroom when I don't. They're not severe but neither are my period cramps - I barely cramp at all on my period. I'm trying to have positive thoughts but it's hard. I'm thinking if I call the dr it might make me feel better.
  • Hopefulmom2Be . . . I had the same type of cramping that makes you feel like you have to pee. I had that a few days ago and it had me spotting, but barely. Mine was light pink n watery tho sorry tmi
    Just drink plenty water but it's gonna make the gotta go feeling worse! Lol
  • I'm 7 weeks and 1 day and I had brown discharge I heard its from intercourse cause it can irritate the cervix... which is what happened yesterday but experiencing the spotting todayy it has gone away a lot, I do cramp too but its just your uterus I'm guessing that's expanding for baby and all the hormones, I'm just taking it easy after ork, plenty of sleep and water and keeping an eye out, called my dr. And said it was normal for brown discharge but if its bright and severe go to ER.
  • Girl I'm or was on the excact same situation everything will be fine I had an ectopic lost a tube and When I found I was pregnant I was nervous I have had 5ultrasound blood work and stufff done like xrazy now I'm 12 weeks and heard the heart beat ....... everything will be fine just make sure u keep rest and don't stress
  • Just follow your gut.. call ur doc they will know the answers
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