I'm 14 weeks. My dr. said it's possible at 16 but she's having me wait until 18 weeks. I have two boys, so I'm hoping for a girl, but I'll be happy with a healthy baby, boy or girl. Good luck to you!
TThey like to wait from between 18 and 22 weeks. I have a link to show you the difference of their "parts" in the womb and how far along in your pregnancy it is. http://www.baby2see.com/gender/external_genitals.html I think you are safe, but if you have doubts, you can schedule a 3d ultrasound or ask your doctor when you get another ultrasound and wait to buy anything until then just to be sure congrats hun.
I found out at 20 weeks. The dr said it's possible to find out around 16 or 17 but it's more certain if you wait a little longer that way everything is more formed.
I found out Thursday and I'm only 15 wks &4 days now. It's possible as early as 13 wks as long as you have an experienced physician or sono tech that is good at what they look at. One Dr I work with is yet to be wrong and he's told girls as early as 13 wks :-)
I think you are safe, but if you have doubts, you can schedule a 3d ultrasound or ask your doctor when you get another ultrasound and wait to buy anything until then just to be sure congrats hun.