You're totally normal! I did that until I was about 9 weeks. I kept hoping I wouldn't "start my period" but in reality I would be miscarrying, not just starting my period. Hope you never see any but don't freak out too much if there is just a light little bit, especially if it's really dark. The time to really freak out is if there is a lot and it's bright red and in your underwear instead of just on the TP.
Well I went to the doctors he said yesterday I should be about 6w 1d today based on my last period but got a negative test back they drew my blood have to wait for the results next week and if he's right, we will see once I go for ultrasound next week how fee I really am. Its just after a miscarriage its hard to believe it.
I'm so sorry for your loss Sheron. My daughter was stillborn at almost 41 weeks last year so I was really scared in the beginning this time but I think my fears won't pick up again until I'm close to the end.
I'm 23 weeks with baby #5 and I do that everyday. I lost my baby this time last year and so now I kinda feel like I'm on egg shells sometimes and probably won't be 100% at ease until he's in my arms at delivery. SO your not the only one. BUt just relax and not stress out over anything. At least we're all being aware of ourselves in case we saw something. Good luck to the mommies.
I was just telling my boyfriend that I do that every time too...I've never miscarried but I feel scared....don't know why...maybe cuz I'm older...(I'm 31 but had my other kids at 16 &19) or because this time I'm thicker...not sure
I do it every time! I even double check when discharge comes. I'm so scared. I had a miscarriage back in november and I got my first ultrasound on tuesday ); so scared...
I only wiped blood once and it was right after having sex. I wasn't freaked out because I had read about it happening. Every time I have discharge or when I wipe, I'm afraid there's going to be bright red blood. This is my first pregnancy and I'm in my 15th week. I'm just scared of something going wrong because I want a child, but I don't like being pregnant >.>
you have no idea... last week after a horrible bout of (tmi) constipation i finally got to "go" and it was bad.. when i wiped there was blood and i had my bf staring at my vajayjay for about an hour to make sure there was nothing coming out... >.<
you're not alone. Im 6weeks prego and eversince I had slight bleeding during sex (sorry tmi..) Im like always checking. My gosh sometimes when I feel like im cramping more or I feel sumthin im not used to, panties down.. I check right away. Its funny actually.. So dont worry.. )
Ur not alone, I never had a miscarriage b4 n I chk all the time as well usually when I pee-pee in the morning! I guess is becuase we all know tht we have always have tht slight chance of miscarring! After all thats "A MOTHERS LOVE"
@melinda326 thks!
Its funny actually.. So dont worry..