
edited March 2011 in November 2011
I havent had my first apt yet and Im so paraniod every day that something might be wrong. I have had 1 miscarage and my second prgnancy I had PP. That turned into a healthy now three year old daughter. I am just so afraid that something will go wrong. I try not to stress out. I think I stressed in the first 8 weeks till I heard the heart beat of my daughte, but this time is a little worse. Is anyone else feeling this? How do you cope?


  • I had messed up periods before I got pregnant, I actually hadn't had a period since June even though I got pregger in October... I took a test in october and it was negative and then I took one in november and it was positive so I knew it happened sometime in between. But I was worried since my lady bits weren't working properly that it could hurt the baby somehow.
    I didn't have my first appointment until December 27th... a month and ten days after I found out, it was a horrible wait especially since I didn't know how far I was. I couldn't tell you how I coped with it; mainly because I kind of didn't. Haha, I still get nervous and stressed before appointments and I get physically sick the morning of appointments.
    I wish you the best of luck though!
  • I feel the same way. Im 11wks, ive been so cautious and nervous that my babys stopped growing. I try to cope by talking to people that I know understands my situation or I ask questions. ;;)
  • All you can do is do your best to take care of yourself and leave the rest to God. Eat well, drink lots of water, take your vitamins, and just relax. Stressing over it is NO good for you and baby. I know it is easier said then me, I do. I have had 5 miscarriages before we finally figured out what the problem was....I have a genetic disorder called MTHFR. So believe me when I say I understand. I'm now 33 wks prego with my little girl. If you go to there is an organic pregnancy safe tea called peaceful mama. It really helps ease the tension on days you are stressing the most. You should try it....its totally worth it.
  • p.s. I have tried many of their products and have been completely happy with everything. I wish someone had told me about their site sooner cuz I was already about 1/2 way before I knew and I could have used that morning sickness tea! Lol.
  • I am a totally paranoid! I am 31 (32 in July) and I have had 4 mc's in the past, so this will be my first baby. I check for blood everytime I go to the bathroom. I have miscarriaged anywhere between 8wks and 12wks6days. I am 5.5wks now and have my first appointment and US on Apr 4th. I'm just praying to see a heartbeat on that monitor!
  • miscarried*
  • So thankfull Im not the only one. I check for blood each time. I worry every time I get a cramp from gas or what have you. My grandmother had 16 m/c in 12 years between my mother and aunt. I hope nothing is genetic there. Im prety sure I had a slight miscarrage 7 months ago. we started trying 9 months ago. I was week and half late and had a horable period after doing the excersize video 30 day shread. I never was tested because of awe it was just late . I am 6 weeks and a couple days, pregnancy symptoms are abundant but still so worried. I will look at that tea definatly @EarthMama . Anything to ease the anxiaty a little.
  • Pregnancy symptoms are a good thing. Sounds weird, I know, but all my pregnancies I never really felt pregnant. This one is my first healthy pregnancy and I have gotten all the symptoms to go with it! Lol. It means your body and baby are moving along as they should. :) I completely understand constantly checking for spotting and the nervousness. Just try to relax. Steer clear if exercise videos, eat healthy (plenty of fresh foods, veggie, fruits, etc....), drink tons of water, and meditate....mental relaxation is just as important as physical relaxation. I use my meditation time to mentally connect with my baby and it had helped me grow a strong bond with her. You may also consider, given your family history as well as your own possible miscarriages, taking an extra vitamin B supplement as will as a foluc acid and an omega supplement along side of your prenatal. They are water soluble so it is ok to take an extra supplement and will benefit you and baby greatly. I would even ask your doc to test you for MTHFR next time you go have an extensive family history so it is not far fetched and won't hurt to rule it out. Good luck and go relax!

  • @Blueanjel @EarthMama I check each time too. I'm 10W 2D and I have been extremely lucky with having zero morning sickness. the only symptom I have is increased appetite and extreme tiredness. I worry as well!!!
  • We all do....its in our nature to worry. We are preparing to take care and nurture this precious little gift. But what we have to remember is baby feels every edition we feel so if we stress it can put a strain on baby. We just have to do our best to control what we can and leave the rest up to God. If it helps to know, that phase passes over time. Once you get far enough along to feel baby moving it completely relaxes you. Everytime I feel her move I know everything is just fine. You will get there too! Just nurture your body and mind and everything will fall into place as it should.
  • Thanks Earth Mama.. I know how the movement helps ease the mind. With my little girl I cried when I herd her heart and teared up when I felt her move. When she stopped moving in the last month it was not heart warming, thank goodness i had a great doctor that monitered me well! Turned out she is just a great sleeper. She is 3, sleeps 12 hours a night and a 2-4 hour nap durring the day. Hope this one fallows in her foot steps lol.
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