Question For Ladies With Children From A Previous Relationship!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm engaged & currently nine & a half weeks pregnant. I have a two and a half year old daughter from a previous relationship. My hubby has no children so this will be his first. My daughter's real Father isn't in her life & she sees him as her Daddy. After this baby comes, I was wondering if attention would shift or the way he acts towards her would change. He treats her just like his own. But, do you know what I mean? Since this child will actually be his? Just wanted advice from people who have been through this (:


  • I have 3 children from a previous marriage and my husband and I have a son together (his only child) and we are 35 weeks with our 2nd. At times my husband treats them a little different than he does his own son but for the most part he treats them just like his own. Maybe you should sit down with your husband and tell him how you are feeling and that you don't want him to treat your oldest any different. I wish you the best of luck.
  • im marred and have twins from a ex he has been taking me to court for coustody but its not him who wants the girls its hin mom and dad he has always been a deadbeat anyway im 20 and marred to a amazing man hes in the navy and is in HI and im in IL but when he is here he treats my girls as his own and im about 7 weeks and this is his 1st and i belive he will treat the girls the same cuz when he marred me he knew he was marrying my girls too and if u belive he loves your little girl like his own his love wont change :)
  • My husband didn't change the way he looks at my daughter from a previous relationship and we are now having our second baby together.
  • I have 2 kids from other men nit in their lives and my fiance has a daughter whose mom is not in her life. I made if very clear from the beginning we would not treat the children differently. He treats mine like his and I treat his like mine. I'm pregnant with my third and our first together and this baby will get sane amount of love and attention as the other children. Its very important to keep a balance between the children and maintain special moments where each child gets special acknowledgement from time to time. What I will admit is I have a special bond in my heart for my own children that's different from what I feel for my stepdaughter. Its natural. As long as the child is still loved and treated the same as other children I will she will ne fine. She is doing great! Although I do sometimes feel I should love her more or have that same connection with her as I do my own.... still a work in progress!
  • Im n da same situatn. My son iz 2 & his dad iz not aroun & im currently 28 weeks preggo & all my son know iz my current b/f as dad. I hope wen our daughtr iz born dat he doesn push my son aside n play favoritism.
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