Is it just me? I swear I feel like the only one

I am so overwhelmed with being a mom of 2 we are very excited but ima student, work 2 jobs & have a 2 y.o im stressing because I do not want my son to feel replaced & we r looking for a bigger place but the bay area is expensive.. Help I just need somebody to not try & tell me I should've known better btw im only 20..anybody in the same or similar boat????


  • I'm 20, I have one job but I'm a manager. hubby only makes enough money for rent and I pay everything else, and I'm in school not exactly the same but I feel your pain:) stick through it. you got this: )
  • Very similar...3 kids ones a teen ..middle school n kindergarten . Need a bigger place. .i have a high stress job and school. No clue what im gonna do once baby #4 comes as far as daycare. But i have to work we can bareky afford this smaller place. also need a bigger car...ugh...shes comin too fast. Im very anxious n depressed lately....
  • Just make sure he gets his "me" time and that won't feel left out. Everything is going to be worth it in the end. Keep a positive attitude. I'm 23, with my 2nd and we're looking for a place now. It's exhausting.
  • Ya I hope hubby has some ideas. His first baby so hes nervous to be home with her but im the sole employee n manager so I feel guilty bout a few weeks off...he runs his own company so im bankin on him having her a kibda jealous but I wanna buy out my boss...ugh too much between career n bein a mom. Ur not alone.
  • Yes I know every situation is different but its amazing how we both work my bd makes good money but with bills,car payments and no help what so ever I sit back & think life is not suppose to b like this @ 20.. It makes me sad but I don't regret my kids..
    I know life isnt suppose to be easy but im trying to do better and its so hard.. Thanks for the input btw ladies im sooo venting right now
  • Im 23 y.o. and I have a almost 4 y.o. son soon to be almost 6 y.o. step daughter and im now 5 weeks preggers! In the mist .. planning a wedding, looking for bigger home and now figuring out how to afford my sons private school considering my fiance is the one working.. but everything always works out one way or another. We can do it!
  • I'm 21, about to tackle my last year in college, 6 months pregnant with twins (major shocker there), and can't work due to bed rest. My husband (who is 28), makes good money, too, but we live in a 1 bedroom apartment and HAVE to get a bigger vehicle.... oh and he works at night, so when they arrive I'll have them alone a lot except for when at school. Its overwhelming at times, I know! But hang in there- everything will work out perfectly!
  • Thanks ladies yeaaa all in due time I keep my faith and I know we will prevail.
    @mrsstanley_x2 aww twins crazy good luck!!! Do u know if its 2 boys r 2 girls??
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  • One of each, actually!
  • Ohhhh I feel ya girl I am 20 and I have an 8 month old girl.. she has never been to day care so she needs us constantly. I am 5 weeks pregnant now and I am so worried about how things will turn out. Just remember everything happens for a reason. This will only make you stronger and develope more patience (hopefully) haha but look at the bright side you will have another baby to keep your baby busy!
  • edited March 2011
    @expectin_myy2nd. Im 19 yrs old wrkin a fulltime college student and tryna move bfa mi lil one gts hur. Its alot of stress I cry almost everynite wonderin why its so hard. Me and mi bd r nt together at the moment so its like harder. I dnt trip bt its a struggle. I hope things gt better bfa she gts hur
  • I'm 23, married, 18wks prego and have a 5 yr old son. I don't work or go to school. Hubby works full time makes just enough for our bills. I could work but I would bearly make enough to cover daycare for both kids so its not worth it. Plus we only have 1 car which he takes to work about 45min away! Its gonna be hard, we'll have to make some adjustments but we'll make it work :)
  • edited March 2011
    I'm 22 married n I'm 29 weeks n I have a very active 2 year old son I know excatly wat u mean I'm gettin worried that there not goin to get along n the sleepin pattern is wat I'm most concern about I know I can do it just remember that we r strong n we can do it my husband work n I'm not in school right now cuz of been high risk
  • @missstanly very exciting! Yay! I'm 19 going on twenty and bd is working pipeline construction, aka the gypsy pipeline because we travel with the work. We are just now getting seriously involved and I am terrified doing this pregnant, but the money is the only way we can manage preparation for our expecting child, I've never been this scared in my life! Different situation but hey maybe it helps you see that you all are getting school under your belts and not forced to wait it out in misery with me, I'm going to be very lonely, husband working extreme labor in ungodly hours, only one day off a week, no family, no familiar friends, far from home and can't do anything about it until we can get an education. What a marriage/family!
  • Somewhat similar. 25 stay at home mom with a 16 month old, 22 weeks along with a baby with a heart defect. I'm dealing out also since my son is such a mommas boy. He'll be about 20 months old and I'm in the process of starting potty training. It's a lot to take on, but know that you'll do fine. It's just scary in theory until you get in the swing of things. Just like it was with#1
  • Yes to all of you guys its very hard and scary but in time il learn to adjust I just dnt want to lose myself and give up on my dreams iv come far im excited but scared my sons good but I know its gunab an adjustment hes toooo spoiled its crazy
  • Omg! I feel the same way! I'm in a 1bedroom now and I have time to move but I was just about to go back to school and found out I was pregnant but what's done is done and I just keep telling myself that kids are blessings. P.s God will never put more on you than you can bare :)
  • Me! Ill be 20 when my 2nd is Born. I will be Graduaten dis yr in 2months from high school Moving in a 2 bedrrom with my boyfriend. After the baby I still have 4more years of college to go. 2kids work and school! I'm scared I won't be able to handle it all!
  • I'm 21 daughter is two in may,I'm due in Oct. I got fired(long story) I'm in college. Failing cause I'm so stressed. My daughter hates me. Bd is an ass. We live in a two bedroom. No room for baby. Nd got fired. Ally savings I'm using for bills n food. That money was first to get another car. I totaled mine. Then I saved my income tax for the baby on the way. I'm down to $700 from $1500 I strictly put away! I'm so stressed and bitchy. I don't feel like doin anything. I am behind in school work and only half semester left to try n pick grades up. So I'm goin through it as always.
  • I am 25 with a son who's 4 in may another son who's 2 in july. Possibly a 3rd due in dec or jan. My husband works out of town most time and I do things pretty much alone til weekends get here. I dropped out of school cuz my boys won't let me do homework and I fell way behind. I haven't been able to keep a job cuz my depression is so bad I can't function most days. And we live in. 2 bdrm we hate but can't aford it let alone a bigger one. And we can't pay bills. Life truelly suck and I'm hoping for it to get better some day. Worst part of it all. I wanted t get pregnant. Like that won't make it all worse. Right. Oh well.
  • Similar situation. I'm 21 have a3 year old and preggerz with my second. Junior in college and also working. Very tiring.
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