miscarriage ,!?

what are signs of a miscarriage ,!? at 13 weeks, !? just wondering,!?


  • It normal starts with light cramping && light bleeding
  • I'm 12 weeks. May I ask why you are asking mommytobe011? Are you having concerns about some symptoms you're having?
  • no i just wondering.
  • I had no signs with the first miscarriage. I was 20 weeks and ultrasound showed the baby stopped developing at 16 wks. D and c. Then got preggo again and at 16 wks on xmas day was getting teh sex and immediately after- blood everywhere. Preggo again-this time 19 wks and this time it feels exactly like when i was preggers with my daughter and confident it will end with a little person alive and well. So go with your gut if you feel something aint right, go check it out.
  • I was 4w3d when I woke up with the worst cramps of my life and wasn't able to lay down or even sit. Later that night I started out spotting bright red that grew to bleeding more than a normal period. I also wonder why you ask. Are you concerned over lack of symptoms?
  • I m/c at 13w. A few large cramps and then....lots and lots of blood. Came out of no where
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