Help! Ate bad food and need help ):

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Okay so I was reading that deli meats/cold cuts were bad for expecting moms cause some contain listeria, which causes miscarriages. I've had so much anxiety since last friday because I ate subway and I just wanna know the likely hood of any contamination and if there was anyone that knows more about this. Am I just paranoid or is there an actual possibility? ):


  • I ate subway today and I've ate deli coldcuts early on too. I got my ultrasound like a week or so after eating coldcuts and it came out fine. Didnt feel sick or anything. just be cautious of how much of it your eating. Now im making sure that its cooked, just start cooking yours or getting your subs toasted if you decide subway again
  • My doctor said that lunch meats were fine in moderation. The bigger concern is for the sodium in them.
  • I ate cold cuts quite a few times before I knew I was prego and before I knew you weren't supposed to and I am now 21 weeks. Since finding out at like 10 weeks I stopped or just heat them. I wouldn't worry to much. Listera is a bacteria found in a few other things that just happen to be bad while you are pregnant but I know tons of women who didn't know or didn't care and their babies came out just fine. I think stressing about it will be worse. Just make sure from here on out you heat your meat lol good luck hun and remember women have been having babies for a long time without know tons of the stuff we know now!
  • Honestly, there's very little risk of miscarrying because you ate at subway. In the US, our food is frequently tested for contamination. I never even heard of lusteria before I got pregnant. I read one girl on here saying that her doctor told her she had a better chance of losing her baby in a car crash than eating deli meat.
  • My dr told me to eat I don't think there is a big issue
  • when i eat at subway i get my sandwich toasted
  • This is my 5th baby. I have always eaten deli meats, all my babies have been perfectly healthy. There is so many processes done to make sure food is not contaminated that there isn't any risk factors. My OB said they were perfectly safe, that there's more&more 'bad' things out there for you, that pretty soon you wont be able to consume anything for some sort of risk or another. He said stay away from the obvious 'bad' things such as alcohol, tobacco, drugs, large amounts of caffeine, most meds, you'll be fine. So, don't worry :)
  • ate subway and deli meat with my son and hes a healthy little one. doing the same with this little one and I'm not worried! greatest luck sweetie! u should b fine ;)
  • The chances of anything bad happening are luckily very slim. You are probably doing more harm stressing over it rather than any chance harm from the deli meat itself. Everything they say about that kind of stuff is with a very safe margin, they write books/build off things with the slightest chance of something happening. I just think about it as...before modern medicine and technology people still had healthy kids to get us to where we are today. 100, 200, 300+ years ago there was no concern for bacteria, no prenatal vitamins, and people still drank and smoked throughout pregnancy...
  • I Eat it all the time
  • Subway had really strict standards about those things...don't worry. I eat it alot too and it scared me when I first found out about it but I found out subway is really on top if that stuff. Just get it toasted from now on so you know for sure it is ok
  • My nutritionist said I can have ham and turkey...only off the bone. Any other to have them heat it up. I know what you mean but it will be fine. Just look on the do and don't list for food while preggo.
  • I get my subs toasted to and i ate lunchmeat with my 2 girls they came out healthy
  • Wow thanks a lot! (: this ready gabe me a peace of mind!
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