when do you all get to find out what your having?



  • I find ou Tuesday if I'm lucky :) ill only be 15 weeks and 2 days but I'm doing the 3d ultrasound (I'm impatient). If not I have my regular doctor appointment to find out april 2nd. Everyone thinks its a boy. 56 prcent of me wants another girl and 44 percent want a boyhaha so I'm happy either way.
  • I found out on this comin Tuesday I will be 19 wks 2 dys
  • I'm 18 weeks and find out what I'm having on April Fool's Day :\ hopefully my u/s tech has no funny bone in her body so I can just find out what it is.
  • so when u all do let ne know....... :)
  • I'm taking the results to a Baker and have them make a pink or blue cake covered in white frosting. At a party later on, we'll all find out together :)
  • I get to go on Sunday the 20th. We are excited and hope it is a boy. I feel like it is, at least in my head lol I am so anxious, never really like Sundays cause I have to get ready go back to work but I am looking forward to this one!!!
  • I'm due september 6 and am 16 wks. We should find out in 2 wks
  • I'm 13w 3d and my next visit to the doc is this friday... I hope I could know what I'm having that day...
  • Unfortunately my ob only does one sonogram throughout the whole pregnancy, unless theres something wrong. & at my next appt ill be 16 weeks which they said was too early for them soooooo i have to wait till my next appt after tht @ 20 weeks to find out which for me is almost 2 whole months away :(
  • April 11, though I'm pretty sure its a boy (i reallly hope its a boy! I have 2 girls!)
  • Im 17 Weeks && Never Had An UltraSound But I Found Out The Sex Of The Baby April 21st I Will Be 20 Weeks Then
  • I will be having an US in a week or so, I'll b almost 15 weeks. Hopefully they will be able to tell. That'll b my first US this pregnancy.
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