:'( boyfriend ....

edited January 2011 in Pregnancy and fathers
I've been with my bf only 6mo but we've known each other well for 6+years.... some days I just can't handle thinking about what its going to be like with this baby. He works <20hrs a week and is pressuring ME to get the second job, not him?? And he completely disregards little, semi-important things. Like tonight I stay at his house (don't live together yet) and I just wanted clean sheets and blanket and he gave me attitude and anger when I woke him to put it in the dryer. He's sleeping soundly and I'm emotional and crying, freezing with no blanket... or just when I tell him I don't feel well from morning sickness and he has to one^up me complaining about a headache or something equally as stupid.

Why doesn't he make me feel special, comfortable in this pregnancy? I just always imagined him opening doors for me and ensuring my comfort so we have a happy healthy baby but....yeah. guess I was wrong.


  • Man also have mood swing while ur pregnant jus wait he"ll come bk around
  • I dont k.ow hun, I think its a guy thing,, I just got married an it feels like im always alone.if I want somthing he wants something different if I do something he wants to do something else
  • My bf got worse than me right at first. I mean he was more moody cranky and even more "sick" than I was. I've heard that if you're around someone a lot they get your symtoms. It happened with mine, maybe its the same way with yours.
  • But mommaof2 ur also right,, men get mood swings and also cravings im 16weeks and im fine but hes not,, or the other way around
  • Some men struggle to come to terms with it at first and realise the attention ain't on them anymore and get jelous with it all, at first my boyfriend was not as supportive as I needed him to be but when the scans and stuff came along and he could join in with things he became better you gotta make them feel apart of it all too! Men are like children sometimes but hopefuly should get better in time like it did with me, and for job thing good luck no one took me on as I was pregnant and anyway we are full time incubators tell him to get second job good luck x
  • Oh god agree with you all its like there pregnant too, its so funny ! I'm sometimes having to rub his back when ment to be other way round , bless them :)
  • I'm hoping he will start to realize soon... because I can't handle the stress of him getting angry with me for little things.
    And the job thing.... I applied somewhere today if I get hired I start work at the beginning of my 3rd month. I should be fine for work for a little while...I just wish he would get a second job. I just don't understand how inconsiderate they can be KNOWING how much stress and changes we're going through
  • things will only get better in time hun just try not to over do it :) and men dont know what we are going through most of the time my partner thought us women made up the word hormones so we could be a bitch :/ but he slowly came around and is fantastic he probaly needs a bit of time because they also have to get there heads around it and its all new to them too. good luck hope things work out in the end :)
  • So you already have a job, he is working part time and he wants you to get a second job? It sounds like he's a little immature. I agree that guys share some of the mood swings but this is ridiculous. I think you should have a conversation with him about how he makes you feel and see if that helps.
  • I have a part time min wage job, he has a part time serving job. I just applied as a server and got a second interview, he applied too but didn't get a second interview. He refuses (so far) to try anywhere else... I'm going to work as long as I can :/
    a friend told me to just remember the quote from Juno.... "a woman becomes a mother when she becomes pregnant; a man becomes a father when he sees the baby"
  • hang in there... I hope things get better and that your guy starts being a little more understanding.
  • I told him today about some of the things that I was frustrated about...he just has this "I really don't care." attitude. All he cares about is picking a name. ... the littlest things really set me off. I asked him about getting a certification or trade school and he's stuck on serving. ...I was with my ex for four years and I left him for the exact reason that he was serving and never going anywhere in life, I've known this guy for 7 years and he was in school when we started dating but since he "got the girl" has been slacking... sorry for the venting I just feel like I'm going to be stuck in entry-level crap my whole life just b/c of him :( I love him and want to be with him I just idk... .
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