I'm 21 week's having a girl and carrying very low my doctor told me I was witch I already Knew that very painful.. and I have a 2 year old who I carried very high.. Good luck with your pregnancy
I am 21 weeks and carrying low as well...I don't know what I am having yet so it frustrates me when people say you must be having a boy or girl because you are carrying so low...And I am bigger now than my last pregnancy...
Yeah, I feel her really low when she kicks sometimes she is kicking above my belly button, and she is always on my bladder so I pee a lot lol, I just turn 24 weeks last Thursday , i am counting the day until my baby girl is here, we can't wait to meet her
Im 29wks but i always have my baby girl low but now she go anywere but she like to be down and that so painful she is big now and when she kicks is horrible its hurts but i like to feel her all the way she is my little kicker hahahaha but is ok by belly dont show until i have like 25 or 26 wks and now i have this big ballon....good luck mommys!!
I'm having a boy and hes laying right down in my lower pooch area, occasionally he moves a bit but he loves the lower right side and it does get quite painful in my lower pelvis.. I'm almost 22 weeks
Im 24 weeks and carrying my girl low. My bump just looks like a pouch below my belly button. Makes me just look fat not Preg. She kicks me low all the time and likes to sleep on the right side.
Im 22weeks with a boy and he is really low,,,and I mean low,,,,, ,,,, I ware low rise underware and he is sittin under the top of them,, ive got a belly but he wants to be that low,, I dont get it ,,,, it worries me at times cus I feel like if I do to much then he will just fall out
I'm 24 weeks too and I'm carrying very low and its a boy. I can't be standing for more than an hour because then I get really bad pains on my left leg. I have to pee a lot too and sometimes the baby is so low that it hurts.