when are you telling your older child?

edited March 2011 in Second pregnancy
I just found out we are expecting our second child. I'm a little over 8 weeks. My daughter is almost 5. I'm struggling with when to tell her about the baby...I don't really want to explain if we were to miscarry or something, and I'm kind of dreading listening to her ask a million questions and constantly asking if the baby is here yet, lol. But most of our immediate family knows now and I'm worried someone will slip up and tell her. Any advice?


  • I told my kids right away I have a 10 5 and 4 year old. I got questions but I'm very open and honest with my kids. Not showing yet but my 5 year old always wants to jug the baby LOL also telling them helps when they see me getting sick. They understand why I'm acting a little different and don't give me a hard time.
  • My daughter knew I was pregnant before I did! She kept telling me "you have a baby in your belly." I took her to our 9 week ultrasound and she just had the biggest smile on her face. She just turned 4 last november. She is very loving and hugs and kisses my belly. She can't wait to meet her little "bother" as she calls him.
  • @ laura536 i have a 4 yr old and told him recently ..im 13wks..but should've waited a little longer..
    My last pregnancy ,I ended up miscarring..so i had to tell him mommy was having a bby and tell mommy lost tge bby...
    If you haven't told her yet wait till your 3 months ..so you can be safe
  • We told my son when we found out as we rough and tumble quite a lot and he couldn't understand why I wasn't "rumbling" anymore and thought I didn't love him anymore which broke my heart. So we showed him the picture for week 6 on here and told him he was going to be a big brother. He was over the moon and every couple of days asks if theres a new picture yet :) always kisses my belly before I go to work and tells "belly bean" to be safe and that his big brother loves him :) we don't know if its a boy but he's convinced it is.
  • My daughter jus turned 2 I been pointing at my belly saying "Baby" but I'm not sure she relly knows but she kisses&Rubs my little belly so maybe she knows.
  • My son is 2 n I told him there a baby in my belly he looks at me funny sometimes but he kisses my belly rubs n points I think he knows
  • Thanks for your suggestions, ladies! I almost wish she was younger, it'd be so much easier if she was like "baby! Sweet!" And just wanted to kiss my belly, lol. I haven't told her yet, but she had to know EVERYTHING about everything and I'm just not looking forward to spending the next 7 months discussing reproduction with her.

    I'm definitely waiting til after my next dr appt. I've been spotting and my dr says everything is fine, but I'm still super worried about miscarrying and having to explain that to her too.

  • I told my son last year as soon as we found out...he was sooooooooo happy...unfortunately it ended up being an ectopic ans I had emergency surgery cause I was hemorrhaging....he still occasionally asks why that baby never came home....soooo sad....I'm now pregnant again and if everything is well at this next dr appt we will tell him next weekend...we well be 11wks then....almost out of the 1st trimester !!
  • My nearly 5yo keeps talking about "when we have a baby I will show her how to play with my old baby toys." He doesn't know we are expecting (just entered week 7) we are holding off shring the news until week 12...but more and more he talks about "God putting a baby in mommy's tummy". Super sweet!

    I can't wait for him to find out he will be super excited...I hope!
  • I have a 6yr old and we told her right away. We had a mc :0(. And ended up telling her the baby was sick and not in my tummy anymore. She asked a million questions. It was so difficult. Next time we are waiting!
  • My daughter is 3 yrs old and I told her after the first trimester. She went with us to our 20 week gender ultrasound and got to see her baby brother in mommys belly. I think she is a little disappointed she isn't having a little sister but I know she will love her little brother just the same. She actually told me she wanted one of each. I had to explain to her that mommy was only pregnant with one.
  • My daughter was not quite 3 when my husband and I got pregnant with her brother. We told her right away, and we kept reminding her that there was a baby in Mommy's belly. It took her a little bit to finally grasp the concept, but she was excited when she got it. This time, my circumstances were different, and no one except for my mother and maybe one or two other people knew I was pregnant before I announced it around 13/14 weeks. Since I wasn't really even showing yet this time, we waited another week or two before telling my daughter, but she definitely knew what we were talking about as soon as we broke the news to her. :) I say it's best whenever you feel comfortable.
  • This was a surprise for me so I didn't end up telling ppl until I was like 13wks. I was ready to tell my 5and7yr old and told bd we need to tell them cause family knew!! One day I was doing my daughters hair I was standing over her and she was like "ur stomach sure is getting big momma"!!!! LOLLOLLOL we told them like a couple days later.
  • Told my children right away, they were very excited and still are, constantly saying love you baby to my belly cant wait to meet you its cute
  • I was nearly 20w lol I kept it off for fear of thier reactions (15,11) not thier dads baby ect. I even asked for a robe as my xmas present so I could just hide in it around the house lol..they took it horribly as I expected. Now they are ok, not always cool with the idea but I think they will luv thier half brother.
  • Thanks, ladies! This topic is super old, lol! We ended up telling her after we saw the heartbeat at our 10 week appt, because I was super sick. She is really excited and can't wait til next week to find out if it's a brother or sister.
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