when are you telling your older child?
I just found out we are expecting our second child. I'm a little over 8 weeks. My daughter is almost 5. I'm struggling with when to tell her about the baby...I don't really want to explain if we were to miscarry or something, and I'm kind of dreading listening to her ask a million questions and constantly asking if the baby is here yet, lol. But most of our immediate family knows now and I'm worried someone will slip up and tell her. Any advice?
My last pregnancy ,I ended up miscarring..so i had to tell him mommy was having a bby and tell mommy lost tge bby...
If you haven't told her yet wait till your 3 months ..so you can be safe
I'm definitely waiting til after my next dr appt. I've been spotting and my dr says everything is fine, but I'm still super worried about miscarrying and having to explain that to her too.
I can't wait for him to find out he will be super excited...I hope!