help w girl name!!

edited March 2011 in Baby names
We had chosen Aaliyah but now know of someone naming their daughter that.
. We want something unqiue.


  • Alianna, Arrayah, Alajah (A-Lay-Jah)
  • Go pull up baby names nd meaning I'm sure yu will find something.
  • Wat do u want it to b like... An a name
  • If you're looking for A names, Amariah, Amayah
  • Amanda lol
  • Thanks girls & @AMiyahsmommy I've pulled so many baby name websites up and nothing... :/ it doesn't have to be a a name.. I like names that start with a b j k m n and s mostly
  • Bailey. Jordan. Miranda. Molly. Marissa.
  • Aurora, Azailia, Aaya, Anise, Braxton, Bonnie, Belle, Jesibelle,Jalean,Jameelah, Jean, Jana, Keenan, Kaileen, Karista, Kalani, Kamine, Kamille, Kristaal, that's all I can think of without looking on the interweb
  • Avery, Brynne, Jayla, Karissa, Madison, Nylah, Serena...
  • Maylee, Marcella, Maleena,, Nicolette, Nashawn, Nadeen, Nala, Seana, Sienna, Saphira, Samara,
  • Well I think u should find a name that is meaningful and that ur kid won't get teased about when he/same gets in school...nothing bothers me more to c ppl with ghetto ass names like Bonequetta, or Jaquessa or something and ur kid ends up working somewhere professional
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