could i still be pregnant or something different? (long question)

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Hi everybody I'm erika I'm almost 19 in bout a month. But anyways, I had unprotected sex on valentines day and the day after nd on my period log thing it says I was somewhat fertile. Soo I went to go get tested bout a week later cuz I had a lil spotting and it came out negative. But the next 2 or 3 weeks I've been having like body spazims and vaginal discharge and headaches and all the other pregnancy symptoms. My period was suppose to be here like a week ago and hasn't arrived. I just yesterday had a pap smear done nd it was a lil painful. I also just bout 3 months ago went off birth control and I had pcos but lost a lot of weight. Soo idk what's goin on if anyone could please tell me greatly appreciated


  • Do a repeat preg test or go back to doc I got 2 or 3 negatives before they finally showed I was preg
  • I was underweight when I got preg in my 2 nd mo I was only 88 pounds n when i delivered 114
  • I want to but I also wanna do like an ultrasound to see what's goin on. I'm actually for the past few days have been having all around belly pains.
  • Paps aren't comfortable for anyone.
  • I actually lost bout 65 lbs. Which puts me at 185 now.
  • I can feel somethin like pullin on my tummy and I gots the hiccups massively.... :/
  • Have you taken a blood test?
  • I would take a test the first test u took if it was one week after sex was to early. So there is a good possibility u could be pregnant. Also I have heard that weight loss can trigger ovualtion and help your fertility.
  • did your dr say anything when you got your pap done because they can tell from looking at your cervix
  • I haven't done a blood test yet and the dr didn't say anything but test me for stds which I'm clean thank the lord cuz the guy who possibly got me pregnant slept with a lot of girls and even guys before me. But I'm going to another dr's appt today for more testing.
  • @jpmommy is right, being pregnant changes the color in there and the doc would have noticed that. When I had mine done at the first apt that was the first thing she said, I think it becomes a purple color. I would call and ask the doc if she noticed that
  • Errr didn't see your comment about going to another appt Lol, they should be able to tell somethings going on when they look
  • They said I'm pregnant. I have an ultrasound in 2 weeks. The drs office is backed up apparently
  • Congrats :) how far are you?
  • They said I'm 7 weeks
  • Congratulations!
  • Congrats!
  • Thnx. Now if I cud get the baby daddy to admit its his... ughh this shud be fun NOT!
  • @babymama424 did u say he had sex with guys too? And was vday ur first time having unprotected sex with him???
  • I didn't even know he did guys til he dumped me
  • Soo umm idk if this normal but I'm bleeding like spotting type again
    Is this something I should get checked out for?
  • @babymama424 I had my cervix checked on Monday and they said I might have some spotting and sometime after a pap you have spotting.
  • Call ur dr but chances r its normal I had spottin my whole first trimester n im 31 weeks just call to be safe good luck n congratz to u
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