Im 7 weeks n 2 days

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
My 1st baby!!! Im so excited!!! Im due Oct. 31st, 2011.


  • Ill be 23 weeks sat with a baby boy. Due July 16. My 3rd baby :)
  • How exciting!!! I wana no, how bad did it hurt when u had ur 1st baby???
  • Ive had 4 miscarages n this is my 5th pregnancy bt im going thru treatment with this baby so i hope everything goes alright.
  • It hurts, bur it's worth it. You'll even want another soon after because its crazy how much your heart grows when you hold that baby.
    I'm 22 weeks with#2, my son will be 19 or 20 months when this one comes.
  • I no ur right cuz i already love my baby even tho if him/her isnt born yet. I cnt wait 2 hold my baby in my arms 4 the very 1st time.
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