nose bleeds anyone??

edited March 2011 in May 2011
I've been getting really bad nosebleeds. I thought it was the dry weather but they've never been this bad. Any suggestions besides stickin a tissue up my nose. Doesn't look so great at work ;) lol


  • :/ I dunno any good ways yo help but I do know all the hormones make ur nose bleed. I get bloody boogers lol. Hope it gets better...maybe try ice it could help constrict the blood vessels.
  • I woke up with a bloody nose and so I sleep with a modifier and I take a generic allergy medication otc it does help me
  • Try a humidifier and putting chapstick in your nose with like a qtip helps but no cure
  • Yeah i read about the humidifier as well! Keeps the air moist!
  • The nose is filled with lots of little blood vessels and, when we're pregnant, we have more blood than usual, so it's much easier to get nosebleeds. I don't think it's anything to worry about, it's just annoying.
  • You might want to keep an eye on your blood pressure. You can find a cheap cuff at your neighborhood pharmacy. Top number not to go over 140, and bottom number not to go over 90. Take care!
  • edited March 2011
    That happened to me for like a week straight. Doc said it is common. I used a humidifier and it went away...
  • I have had one for two days straight now my cousin said she had them towards the end of her pregnancy
  • I have lost so much blood this week getting these killer nosebleeds. I think I mighta lost too much blood. Even when it wasn't an all-out nosebleed, blood would come out when I blew it or just wiped it dry. It's better now. I bet the fact that I'm on blood thinners made it even worse.
  • I've been sick for over w week and the nose bleeds was horrible it made all my mucous bloody thought I was coughing up blood at first so scary but besides that I'm not getting nose bleeds but when I blow my nose I get little pieces of dried up blood its not normal I tell ya
  • I've had them daily since October. It's normal. Try using vaseline in your nose to heal any cuts that blowing your nose causes.
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