anybody in southern cali due on or around Oct 18th??



  • Yes a day before you! 1st baby. They say the 1st one is the hardest. Who knows mabe I might have it until the 18th too :). I feel really good :). Last week I would nap all day,everyday...not fun lol. Let's hope this week is more exciting! How are you feeling being your 2nd baby?
  • Naaa my son was a walk in the park! Best pregnancy n birth ever! Haha now I have no energy tired all the time n feel lil more sick...ya I could have the 17th hehe my fav number my bday is Dec 17th :) I'm way more tired now! Do u ever come 2 the south bay area? How old r u? With babby dad?
  • @camommy what city do u live in??
  • Oct 3rd Santa barbara/lompoc area.
  • Awwww ur so lucky you had it easy. Lol that would be awsome if they were born the same day :) no we have never been out there. But we like going to different places and trying new foods..I'm glad we both like doing that..I'm engaged :). I'm 20 and my fiance fabian will be 23 in june. How about you?
  • Text me mommy2beinoct ? My number is posted :)
  • Hey! I'm in yucaipa and due oct 20th! Heard the heartbeat for the first time yesterday!
  • Congrats!! I wasn't able 2 hear it they said couldn't at 8 weeks which is bs! Where is that by?? Ya its exciting huh! U hoping for boy or girl??
  • Thanks. I work in labor and delivery so I am spoiled. :) yucaipa is near san bernardino. I want both I just hope I get both eventually but I think it will be a boy.
  • I live in irvine and I am due october 15!
  • Nice!! I used 2 live in Mission Viejo! I miss O.C so bad :( still have a 949 haha how do u feel??
  • I'm in rialto due Nov 28 ..but I have no mom says I'm lucky but I'm starting to get worried:(
  • I'm in oceanside due oct 10th with my first if you have a tumblr follow my story at
  • I'm in rialto due Nov 28 ..but I have no symptoms..anyone else?
  • due Oct31
  • no that's good u don't have symptoms ur lucky! I don't either really... just tired n don't want certain foods but only threw up once n I'm almost 10 weeks so don't worry :) everyone is different... ur due oct 31st instead of nov 28??
  • I just found out that I'm pregnant yesterday morning. I'm only 8 weeks and 1 day so I'm due around the end of October. I live in Orange county
  • I live in Palm Springs and am due 10/16 which is my mother's birthday! This is my second child. I'm newly divorced and my son is 10. My ex and I never were able to conceive again after he was born. A month after I left my husband, an old childhood friend of mine and I fell in love. We conceived within weeks of our first intimate encounter. Although we didn't plan or expect it, we're madly in love and very happy :)
  • @angelcake11 I didn't even get this reply till now... sorry! I'm due 10/18 but going by ultrasound it would be the 16th also n wanna have baby on 10/17 cuz I have a choice of when :) this is my 2nd I have a 5 year old son, with a different dad... hate that my kids have 2 diff dads :( that is sooooo sweet omg! See just cuz ur married doesn't mean ur meant 2 be and now ur happy and having a baby with the one u love, congrats awesome!! Wish it was that way for me... Aydens dad is a deadbeat he has 2 others he takes care of but not my son... this babys dad I've known for 4 years off n on he's my ex now but my bestfriend its weird lol sucks tho cuz I am not even close 2 in love with him n we r having a baby always hoped it wuld happen right the 2nd time but it wasn't planned n everything happens for a reason right :) idk what this reason is since I don't wanna be together... really sucks!!.
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