thinking bout divorce

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Hello ladies.I am in need of some good advice. I am 21 weeks pregnant and going threw some problems with my husband. We have only been married for 5 months and I feel like our relationship is not going to last. He doesn't treat me like he used to... he doesn't want or desire me as much as he used to... the romance and the affection is already gone. When I try to explain to him how I feel he ends up turning the conversation back on me and telling me all the stuff im doing wrong. I keep having thoughts of me having this baby on my own. He is just not giving me the love and affection I deserve and is very controling... can I do this on my own... should I go with my gut feeling and devorce him before the baby comes so.I don't subject the baby to all my hurt and depression ... idk. Im scared and need some suggestions.


  • I would suggest, doing what feels right. I know, as a newlywed myself, that sometimes things aren't as fanciful as they used to be or could be. With a baby on the way you are both experiencing emotions and thoughts that are brand new. If you are in physical or emotional danger, I would strongly suggest leaving, but if it is what I call "stirrings" and "anxieties" I would give it a chance to calm down and see how things progress through your pregnancy. Best of luck!
  • Maybe your hormones are not helping. I'm sorta in the same situation but its gotten better now that I'm further along. I would wait and see what happens after the baby comes. Some men don't handle pregnancy well
  • Have you sought counseling? Me & the hubby went through a rough spot a few years back, and it truly saved our marriage. Id give it some thought before making any rational decisions
  • Thank you so much for all your advice. Counseling is something I have thought about..just sceprical
  • I think you should wait it out, maybe its not your marriage maybe its just baby taking a toll on both of you.. you don't think hell change?? Maybe it haven't hit him yet or he doesn't want it to.. but it will
  • Don't give up on him just yet you married him for a reason..
  • every relationship has their flaws and being pregnant doesn't help ur emotions. I say out weigh the good with the bad and then do what u feel is best. Just remember this is an important decision that will effect the rest of ur life and ur childs so don't act on impulse. U very well may b able work out ur problems and b a happy family, but only u can make the decision on whether or not its worth it.
  • I have had days were I wake up and by breajfest im dumping my bf and by the end of my shower I love him more then ever and he could do no wrong. Make sure you just take your time to really think about it before you take action, hormones are a bitch! :-t
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