is it possible

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Is it possible to have a miscarriage with out bleeding and cramping in your second trimester


  • IIt is, but it is very rare. It is called a missed miscarriage. It can happen anywhere from 4-20 weeks, after 20 weeks it is considered a stillbirth.
  • I have had a still birth but I'm the type to freak out I can't feel the baby I'm 16 weeks and I know its still early and that I might feel the baby for a while but I have that feeling like I did with my son and trying to prepare my self for when I go to the Dr tomorrow
  • Just relax! I have had a missed miscarriage and im very sorry to hear of your loss. Ian considered high risk from it and you should be as well. Movements will come soon. Some feel sooner, some feel later. Best of luck and god bless
  • Yes, I agree with above, you need to relax. I'm sorry for your previous loss...I couldn't imagine going through that. What makes you think you are having complications with this one?
  • I thought I felt movement for three days now I dont and have a feeling something happened and just Less emotional then I had been
  • Went to Dr baby is ok and moving a lot I'm surprised I can't feel it anymore
  • Good news! Good luck through out
  • It is very normal to feel your baby move all the time for.some days and.then all of a sudden not feel the baby move you have to remember and not stress your self out (stressing out cuts blood flow off to the baby brain risking the baby have colic) your baby is producing between 150,000-250,000 new brain cells every minute that's gotta be tiring on the baby not mention its also growing and learning so its gonna rest for a while so completely normal just relax cause once it gets impatient and wants to come out kiss sleeping good bye.....
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