considering a Doula?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I have bee trying to research Doulas to figure out the pros and cons of using one. So far I like the idea of lowering my chances of having a c section. But what else can you expect from a doula? Has anyone had a doula before? How did you like it?


  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • what is the difference between a doula and a midwife? Just out of curiousity.
  • Midwife can deliver your baby and do prenatal care. A doula is like your personal cheerleader and support.
  • @jwigs gotcha, thanks!
  • Never heard of this i'll have to look into it.
  • Im starting to like this idea more and more. This is my first pregnancy so I have alot of questions and I'd really like somone to give me recommendations on how to have an easier labor and at least be knowledgable about my options. I like the idea of having an advocate I may not be in the mood to be too stubborn when I am in labor and just want to have the baby :)
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