think i might be getting sick

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I think I might be getting sick. I want to take something but I am in my first trimester and probably wont get to see a doctor. What can I do please help


  • Do u have a headache or something?
  • Airborne and emergenC are always good... what kinda sick are u getting?
  • My dr wouldn't let me take any OTC medicines when I had a cold, but Ive read on several sites that some OTC medicines won't harm the baby.
  • My nose is running and I do have allergies
  • Oh a steamy shower or a humidifier would help. Get lots a sleep.. water!
  • Thanks I am drinking lots if water but not getting enough sleep
  • Benedryl is okay to take in any trimester, it's great to help you sleep. As always though you should give your Dr. a call.
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