boobs stopped hurting...

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
Uh oh. I am 5w 2d and noticed this morning that my boobs no longer hurt. Man they were painful before. Anyone else had this happen? I just went through a mc in Oct and am trying not to be paranoid...


  • Mine stopped hurting really early too, but just recently started agqijn I think worse now. I'm 17 weeks tomorrow.
  • Mine hurt off and on, so I wouldn't worry ;;)
  • I'm going through the same thing I'm worried too, it's not just that but I don't really feel preggo anymore either I had bad m.s. and it just went away too should I go to the dr?? I'm only 9 weeks
  • @jynxilivbaby I'm in the exact same boat.. I am 10 weeks. and I started not feeling pregnant yesterday. my symptoms slowly decreased and I heard it can be normal to stop early. But I'm still worried. I have my first u/s on tuesday. Oh man. It would break my heart to go in and find no heart beat and be told I miscarried again.. ):
  • I'm 5w5d and this past week my symptoms have lessend but haven't completely disappeared. It makes me a little nervous too, and my first appointment is not until april 4th. But I'm just keeping hope. Good luck to you ladies!
  • edited March 2011
    Mind stop hurting around 5 weeks and just a few days ago again but not as bad but it seemed to have gone away again am 13 weeks now. I haven't really had symptoms and I dnt feel pregnant at all. If I didnt see my baby again a few days ago I wouldn't even believe it he was moving a lot lol
  • ...Im spotting :(
  • Oh no is everything ok?
  • I'm 7w tomorrow. Mine were pretty sore yesterday but feel fine today.
  • well im 5wks 2ds and they hurt immensely
  • I'm 6 weeks and 5 days, still having ms and achy boobs. I miscarried many years ago so I know the fear of symptoms being lost. Just stay focused and keep eating healthy and being happy. Good luck ladies, hope we all make it
  • Baby passed away yesterday. So sad.
  • Sorry for your loss @mommyheather
  • Im so sorry i hope u fell better and get a dnc.
  • Thanks ladies. I was only 6 weeks along so no d&c needed. Hopefully I'll see ya around later this year with my 2012 baby :)
  • I'm sorry for your loss, and wish you lots of luck for your next try.
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