When to tell your job

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
Hello everyone, I start my new job tomorrow and im 6wks & 2 days. I discovered I was prego after my interview so I couldn't tell them then. Does anyone have a suggestion when I should tell my new job? Especially since I go to the dr this week for a u/s. Thanks


  • I would wait until after the first trimester unless your job requires you to do something that may harm you or the baby. Also before telling them make sure you get a performace evaluation to cover your butt if they try to fire you! Good luck
  • I would wait till you pass your first trimester just in case you have a miscarriage. but if you feel the need to tell them sooner, by all means go with what you think. Good luck! (:
  • Ok thanks! That's what I was thinking so I'm going to wait until after my first tri. I won't being doing much but sitting in a cubicle talking on the phone. Lol
  • I agree, waiting until after your first trimester is probably a good idea. Unless you are sick a lot (hopefully you're not) then telling them sooner is best. I wasn't going to tell my boss until later either but I have horrible morning...I mean all day sickness, so I had to tell him sooner. Best wishes! :)
  • That is what I do for work! It can get kinda stressful and they might be a little suspcious if you take alot of bathroom breaks lol thats how everyone found out about me
  • I told mine right away. I wouldn't want to hold the stress of keeping it from them and them asking why I didn't tell them. I know about the miscarriage risks, as I have had one, but if you needed time off afterwards or a DNC, they would be more understanding, knowing you were pregnant. You don't have to tell everyone, just your boss, but in my opinion, id tell them right away. :) best of luck hun and congrats!
  • I'm thankful I don't have any sickness just a lot of going to the bathroom and eating. Ill be working with all women so im pretty sure someone will end up asking. Until then ill just pass the baby bump off as gas cuz that's what out mainly is. Lol
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