Morning sickness...spoke too soon!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I thought I was getting away with it.. I had no symptoms, no sore boobs, no sickness, nothing. Then, all of a sudden, week 6 hits and BOOM! I'm sick as a dog...finding it hard to eat as everything seems disgusting and makes me heave... I'm off work because I have to speak to customers and I don't think I could all day and keep a happy face. I've purchased some travel bands, see how they work because ginger is not doing it for me...anyone else out there feeling my pain!? Lol x


  • Oh no don't say that. I'm the same way, but still no symptoms.6w4d...crap! Lol I don't want it.
  • Oh I hope you get away with it..ha! It's bloody terrible :-D the only thing you can do to make you feel better is tell yourself it's completely normal, and apparently a good sign. Otherwise I think I would go mental! Lol x
  • That is true. I keep saying I need some kind of sign to know everythingy
  • eeverything is okay. but I don't want to be sick or anything. Haha
  • Yeah, I was wishing for that as well, just so I knew I was actually pregnant... I wish I had no symptoms again now, but apparently if you just all of a sudden stop having symptoms, you should now it looks like I'm stuck with it! Lmao x
  • You might be lucky like I was I'm 25weeks now and had no preg symptoms sept sore boobs andcraping and still not to many just the occational cramp or kicking of the lil monster on my blader lol just think positive might get lucky
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