Can't stand my boyfriend.. Hormones???

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I'm seven weeks and one day and lately I've been so irritated with my boyfriend... he has been very supportive with me he even checked out preg books at the library to read up on what to expect but for some reason I can't stand to be around him... he took me out to dinner last night and when we got home I couldn't wait to go to sleep... I'm really hoping its the hormones and I hope they go away soon, oh and my sex drive used to be a 10 now its like a -20! I hope things change... anyone else extremely irriated by husband or boyfriend????


  • I was the will go away as u go further I'm extremely tell him to give u space until u want him around...good luck:)
  • LOL. All of the above for me too. The smallest stuff he does irritates me. And I pretty much feel I could go through the rest of this pregnancy without even THINKING about sex. Poor poor men...not.
  • Mere toooo!!! We fight sooo much now its rediculous!
  • Wait it out!!! I was so irritated with my boyfriend in the first trimester that I was willing to break up with him. As soon as I did, I was crying for him.
    Needless to say, I was a hormonal wreck
    Haha. As time goes on it gets better, not perfect mind you, but better!
    Hang in there. And know you're not alone!!
  • Thank you all so much!! It helps to know I'm not the only one going through this! he told me to tell him when he does something annoying I'm scared to do that bec the list will go on and on and he'll think I'm crazy lol thanks again everyone!!!
  • I am the same way
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