sons dad

edited March 2011 in Pregnancy and fathers
Not only am i 13 weeks my exs family is trying to say I'm a bad mom and that someone in my house hurts my son. Its not true. What do i do???


  • Check em real quick!! I no boys can b ruff my nephew is only 4 n has broken his are many busted lips bloody nose cracked his eye brow n head n cheek wide open n many more accedents have happened but all on his own I mean runnin n falling broken arm playin wit his momma split cheek playin tag turned into the corner of a wall split forehead flipped of toys busted lip n the list goes on they jus mad cuz ur preggers again n if u dnt have the same baby daddy they probably jus mad u found happiness n starting a new family wit someone else althou we all no ur first born is ur pride n joy. so check em n check em quick!!!
  • Tell them to shove off because I'm sure you are a great mommy and forthem to say otherwise is bull...
  • Man I'm sorry they disrespect you like that. I've never been pregnant before or have had my husband's family say anything rude to me but know that you are a mommy for a reason!! :) protect yourself and your son. Don't let their comments get under your skin. Love yourself and your son to the fullest. I hope things work out! :)
  • I say b carefull wat if they.try to get ur kids taking away keep all records from them wat they do to u just n case
  • I am. And Wednesday I'm going to legal aid. The thing is he never has any marks or anything. The think that because he pitches a fit when they bring him out its us and not because he wants to play with the toys they have outside. He has even threatened to break into my house at 1130 at night to get our son. Even though he is in bed long before then.
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